[Community-Discuss] Community expectations

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Mon Mar 29 09:00:10 UTC 2021

Hi SM,

Exactly, you will not find such RFC because it is not needed, as we haven't been in that situation.

In any open and transparent organization, country, etc., etc., the principles of freedom of expression and NON-censorship are presumed.

I don't know of any mailing list from IETF, RIRs, or many other open and transparent organizations of the Internet ecosystem that has removed any emails from the archives. I'm not saying it never happened, but I'm now aware of it, so unless my memory fails, it didn't happen in the organizations where I participate.

So, I insist that the archives of mail exploders are "factual notetakers", so if AFRINIC (or any RIR, IETF, or "open and transparent" organization) believes that an email should be deleted from archives because it constitutes a "crime", it should be decided by a court, not any organization. Otherwise, you are censoring, because you may delete something which is not actually a crime, even if you believe it.


El 29/3/21 10:26, "S. Moonesamy" <sm+af at afrinic.net> escribió:

Dear stakeholders,

Mr Palet stated that "the only way for removing anything (even porn,
terrorism, etc., which by the way are extreme cases, that never
happened in any RIR or IETF mailing list, unless I missed it), is by
means of a court order." I could not find any RFC or other document
which states that the IETF requires a court order to remove an email
from its mailing list archives. Is there a reference to fact-check
that statement?

An email cannot be easily removed once it is sent as the sender does
not have any control over the receiver's mailbox. It is technically
possible to remove an email from a mailing list archive. What are
the community expectations on the removal of an email from the
AFRINIC web site?

S. Moonesamy

Board Chair, AFRINIC

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