[Community-Discuss] Share About Cloud Innovation Ltd and their business

Sylvain Baya abscoco at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 23:42:23 UTC 2021

Dear AfriNIC's Community,

Please see my comments below, inline...

Le mercredi 28 juillet 2021, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss <
community-discuss at afrinic.net> a écrit :



> > On Jul 27, 2021, at 12:30 , JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss <

> community-discuss at afrinic.net> wrote:

> >

> > This will be very simple to resolve (not taking a position in one side

> or the other because I don't have all the real facts and documents).

> >

> > The original justificacion of the request of the resources I don't think

> it had so many "secret" and "confidential" details. After several years if

> any "secrets" were there, probably aren't longer something that can't

> published now.



How come that INRs management becomes a
matter of such secrets?

Please Jordi or any other volunteer, let me know if
you are willing to contribute to draft a DPP to
remove the possibility of keeping such, apparently,
unjustified secrets.

> We have already agreed that the original justification is no longer

> relevant and that, like any ISP in business for more than 8 years, things

> have changed and we have adapted.



Dear Owen,

...strange! is/was it an adaptation for the good of
the AfriNIC's service region?

Please, could you enlightenned us on those
interesting details?

...moving 90% of INRs out of the AfriNIC's service
region, without any Inter RIR transfer policy, seems
to be your best way to support the grow of this RIR

> > So why not CI, voluntarely publish that information? I don't have any

> stance on this game, but if I was CI, this will be the best way to probe my

> points.


> Because it is no longer relevant.


> > Otherwise, I will suggest that AFRINIC asks the court to incorporate

> that in the proceedings if is not there already, this way, whatever is the

> result of the case, everybody will know it. At least in the countries I

> know, the results of the cases are public, as well as the documents that

> were incorporated during all the process: transparency.



Jordi, maybe it's simply time to stop allowing such

In reality, even if a curative submission is required (if the last filed

> justification to which I do not have access, TBH), I would suggest they

> simply modify their justification to the following:


> We will use the addresses to number internet connected hosts on our own

> infrastructure and on our customers’ networks.


> This is a justification which meets the letter of the law of the policy

> and which does not preclude leasing.

...are you considering the notions of *conservation*
and *reservations*?

Knowing the understanding of the current
implementers of the CPM, it's clear that one shall
need to submit a convincing addressing plan
before receiving any INR allocation.



> Owen

> [...]


Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<https://cmnog.cm/dokuwiki/Structure>
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tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!»
‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
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après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)
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