[Community-Discuss] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

Paschal Ochang pascosoft at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 11:33:40 UTC 2021

To all actors in this discussion I thought the PDWG chairs told us to
abandon this but some who claim to be oldies in the community continue show
disregard for constituted authority.

Now I push it back to the cochairs I want to see some barking and biting
not empty threats of caution. Your directive has been violated. Whats the

On Wednesday, July 14, 2021, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss <
community-discuss at afrinic.net> wrote:

> Once again, I apologize to the list for this off-topic disruption, but I

> feel that I cannot leave this unanswered.


> No, discussing off topic matters on a public list is a practice of bad

> actors in the community.


> Taking a private message and making it public is a practice of bad actors

> in the community.


> Responding privately to an off-topic public email is the act of a.

> responsible member of the community.


> Sadly, criticizing someone’s bad acts publicly is also generally not

> preferable to doing so in private, but in this case, I believe you have

> created a need to go public with my retort, so now you have it.


> Owen


> On Jul 14, 2021, at 04:08 , DANIEL NANGHAKA <dndannang at gmail.com> wrote:


> Thank you Owen for the email,


> I do not appreciate private emails as the matter was published and is

> being publicly discussed.


> This is a practice of bad actors in the community.


> Daniel



> On Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 13:56, Owen DeLong <owen at delong.com> wrote:


>> Daniel,


>> Responding in private since this is off-topic for the list.


>> This really has nothing to do with the AFRNIC PDP and has to do with

>> things I want to be able to say and advocate for in the ARIN region.


>> There is no conflict between my activities in AFRINIC PDP and my role on

>> the ARIN AC.


>> As to my interest in the AFRINIC PDP, you should note that I’m also at

>> various times active in APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE, and ARIN PDPs.


>> I make my living as a consultant and I have at various times had clients

>> all over the world and some clients with global networks. As a result, I am

>> often asked to pay attention to the PDP in those regions.


>> I am also someone with a strong sense of community service. As such,

>> since I am obliged to monitor the process for my client(s) anyway, I will

>> often work towards what I perceive as the best interests of the community

>> (regardless of whether it is best for my client or not) and I will often

>> advocate as such. In general, I select clients who are generally

>> ideologically aligned with me.


>> One exception is Cloud Innovation. While I am not ideologically 100% in

>> agreement with them and do not necessarily favor the current state of

>> policy which benefits them, I am even more concerned that the RIRs cannot

>> simply make up policy or randomly interpret policy to suit their

>> ideological goals and must, instead, follow the policy as written until it

>> is amended through the proper community process.


>> AFRINIC has a long history of corruption, election irregularities,

>> financial misdeeds, and failure to properly follow its own rules in both

>> its governance process and in its management of the IP registry database.

>> As such, I have maintained a high level of interest in AFRINIC’s doings in

>> an effort to do what I can to help resolve those issues.


>> Owen


>> On Jul 14, 2021, at 03:38 , DANIEL NANGHAKA <dndannang at gmail.com> wrote:


>> Dear Marcus,


>> I strongly agree, that there are policy updates from the other RIRs, what

>> is catching my interest at the moment is that Owen has been one of the very

>> active participants on PDP and I believe AFRINIC has a high level of

>> freedom of expression.

>> When he gives a reason that he wants to have greater freedom and

>> flexibility to advocate for changes in the internet community, some of

>> which would be considered a conflict of interest with his role as an

>> Advisory Council member. I begin to realise that Owen could have been

>> having a high conflict of interest which conflicted with his position on

>> the AC.


>> Dear Owen,

>> Owen, kindly advise how we could deal with the Conflict of Interest in

>> the PDP as you state it clearly in your reason. Furthermore, I still have

>> question marks as to why the AFRINIC PDP is of high interest to you - yet

>> the Policies discussed are for the development of the Internet in Africa.

>> Is something wrong with the AFRINIC PDP that stimulates high interest for

>> your participation in AFRINIC Process that the Africa participants have

>> failed to solve which requires your expertise?


>> Is ARIN more superior than AFRINIC?


>> Thanks

>> Daniel





>> On Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 13:26, Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at hotmail.com>

>> wrote:


>>> Dear Owen and PDWG,


>>> I don’t think this is an off-topic. There are reasons why we always have

>>> session on “policy update from other RIRs” at every PPM…it’s like we care

>>> for what happened at ARIN PDP through its AC and possible impact on our

>>> PDP and related issues


>>> In response to the statement below, one would like to know why is Owen

>>> talking about “ was not forced to resign”? Nobody said so AFAIK, how

>>> come the position at ARIN constitute restraint to speech and why only now?


>>> And question for this community is how do we deal with conflict of

>>> interest in our PDP?


>>> Thanks




>>> Marcus



>>> ------------------------------

>>> *From:* Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss <community-discuss at afrinic.net

>>> >

>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 13, 2021 5:03:19 PM

>>> *To:* Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at gmail.com>

>>> *Cc:* General Discussions of AFRINIC <community-discuss at afrinic.net>;

>>> AfriNIC Resource Policy Discussion List <rpd at afrinic.net>

>>> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?


>>> Apologies to the list for this off-topic posting, but given the

>>> unwarranted attention already paid to the

>>> matter and the escalating level of speculation, I beg your indulgence.

>>> This will (hopefully) be the

>>> only post I make on the matter here.


>>> For clarity:


>>> 1. I chose to resign my position on the ARIN AC. I was not forced to

>>> resign. I did not have to resign.

>>> So your speculation is neither accurate, nor appropriate and the

>>> implications are offensive.


>>> 2. I chose to resign in order to have greater freedom and flexibility

>>> to advocate for changes in the

>>> internet community, some of which would be considered a conflict of

>>> interest with my role as

>>> an Advisory Council member. While I have been outspoken by most

>>> standards, the reality is

>>> that my position on the AC did serve as a significant restraint to my

>>> speech in many cases.

>>> The time has come where I felt the need to remove that restraint in

>>> order to best serve the

>>> community.


>>> Reading anything other than the above into it would be a mistake and

>>> further speculation is very

>>> unlikely to produce any accurate conclusions.


>>> If anyone has questions about my resignation, they are free to ask me

>>> directly, but this really is

>>> not an appropriate topic for this list.


>>> Owen



>>> On Jul 13, 2021, at 05:56 , Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at gmail.com> wrote:


>>> @Taiwo


>>> We all would like to know why Owen, so active in our PDP, has to resign

>>> from his position at ARIN AC which serves in an advisory capacity to the

>>> Board of Trustees on Internet number resource policy and related matters.


>>> --

>>> Arnaud


>>> Le lun. 12 juil. 2021 à 12:37, Taiwo Oye <taiwo.oyewande88 at gmail.com> a

>>> écrit :


>>> Benjilo.

>>> How is this of concern to you or to any of the members of the afrinic

>>> community. Kindly direct your question to the appropriate quarters -

>>> owen at delong.com -



>>> On Jul 11, 2021, at 19:27, Paschal Ochang <pascosoft at gmail.com> wrote:


>>> Great question Daniel.


>>> On Sunday, July 11, 2021, DANIEL NANGHAKA <dndannang at gmail.com> wrote:


>>> Is this worth discussing on the rpd or mailing lists?


>>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2021, 8:36 PM Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at hotmail.com>

>>> wrote:


>>> Hello


>>> Out of curiosity, does anyone know why Owen Delong active in AFRINIC

>>> PDP resigned from ARIN AC?


>>> https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/ac/meetings/2021_0617/ point 10




>>> Marcus



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>>> --

>>> Kind regards,


>>> Paschal.

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Kind regards,

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