[Community-Discuss] Election process of ASO-AC representative

John Ngwoke john.ngwoke at unn.edu.ng
Thu Jul 16 12:36:53 UTC 2020

Dear Eddy, All,

Since the term of the electing AFRINIC ASO-AC representative states these;
Who can vote?

Anyone from the AFRINIC community present at the face-to-face meeting who
meets the following criteria:

- Has registered to attend the meeting (must present the meeting badge
as proof),
- Resides in a country within the AFRINIC service region and
- Is not AFRINIC staff.

I suggest the use of an electronic voting system which will be made
available for only those that registered for the meeting and also in
However, the issue of concern raised by Jordi on using the subscribers in
the RPD mailing list at some point before the election process starts (to
avoid “lots of friends” not really “part of the PDP” to join the day before
the voting) have to be taken.

Concerning the line that says "voting shall be anonymous and done by secret
paper ballot", the online voting process makes the voting anonymous and
secret ballot.


On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 at 10:44, Eddy Kayihura <eddy at afrinic.net> wrote:

> Dear Community Members,


> The term of the community-elected AFRINIC ASO-AC representative, Noah

> Maina, ends in December 2020. The election to fill this vacant seat will be

> held during the Africa Internet Summit 2020 (AIS’20) scheduled for 14-18

> September 2020. The election process for the ASO-AC/NRO-NC (please see

> https://www.afrinic.net/election-process/aso-nro for more details) says

> that voting shall be anonymous and done by secret paper ballot. However,

> this meeting shall be held online.


> We are therefore requesting feedback from the community on how AFRINIC can

> best proceed with the election to fill the vacant seat of one

> community-elected ASO-AC/NRO-NC member. We shall be delighted to receive

> your proposals for this important matter.


> Regards,


> Eddy


> ……………………...



> Chers membres de la Communauté,


> Le mandat du représentant de l'ASO-AC d'AFRINIC élu par la communauté,

> Noah Maina, se termine en décembre 2020. L'élection pour pourvoir ce siège

> vacant aura lieu lors du Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2020 (AIS'20) prévu

> du 14 au 18 septembre 2020. Le processus d'élection de l'ASO-AC/NRO-NC

> (voir https://www.afrinic.net/election-process/aso-nro pour plus de

> détails) prévoit que le vote sera anonyme et se fera par bulletin secret.

> Toutefois, il se déroulera en ligne.


> Nous demandons donc à la communauté de nous faire part de ses commentaires

> sur la meilleure façon pour AFRINIC de procéder à l'élection pour pourvoir

> le siège vacant d'un membre de l'ASO-AC/NRO-NC élu par la communauté. Nous

> serons ravis de recevoir vos propositions sur cette importante question.


> Cordialement,


> Eddy




> ----




> Eddy Kayihura




> Chief Executive Officer




> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)




> t: +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net

> <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>



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[image: University Of Nigeria Nsukka]
John Ngwoke

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