[Community-Discuss] Election process of ASO-AC representative

Black Ubah blackboythinking at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 11:18:22 UTC 2020

Dear Eddy

Thank you for this feedback update, unfortunately there is no policy to
govern a free and fair online election at this time. I do recall a few
proposals on that being discussed in this community a few months ago.
However, none was brougth forward and none was adopted. To maintain
transparency and fairness i will suggest that the community extends the
tenure of those in office until the next opportunity for a face-to-face
community session. I think this is necessary until a credible policy is
adopted for such scenarios. This is crucial to maintain stability within
the AFRINIC community.



On Thu, Jul 16, 2020, 10:40 Eddy Kayihura <eddy at afrinic.net> wrote:

> Dear Community Members,


> The term of the community-elected AFRINIC ASO-AC representative, Noah

> Maina, ends in December 2020. The election to fill this vacant seat will be

> held during the Africa Internet Summit 2020 (AIS’20) scheduled for 14-18

> September 2020. The election process for the ASO-AC/NRO-NC (please see

> https://www.afrinic.net/election-process/aso-nro for more details) says

> that voting shall be anonymous and done by secret paper ballot. However,

> this meeting shall be held online.


> We are therefore requesting feedback from the community on how AFRINIC can

> best proceed with the election to fill the vacant seat of one

> community-elected ASO-AC/NRO-NC member. We shall be delighted to receive

> your proposals for this important matter.


> Regards,


> Eddy


> ……………………...



> Chers membres de la Communauté,


> Le mandat du représentant de l'ASO-AC d'AFRINIC élu par la communauté,

> Noah Maina, se termine en décembre 2020. L'élection pour pourvoir ce siège

> vacant aura lieu lors du Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2020 (AIS'20) prévu

> du 14 au 18 septembre 2020. Le processus d'élection de l'ASO-AC/NRO-NC

> (voir https://www.afrinic.net/election-process/aso-nro pour plus de

> détails) prévoit que le vote sera anonyme et se fera par bulletin secret.

> Toutefois, il se déroulera en ligne.


> Nous demandons donc à la communauté de nous faire part de ses commentaires

> sur la meilleure façon pour AFRINIC de procéder à l'élection pour pourvoir

> le siège vacant d'un membre de l'ASO-AC/NRO-NC élu par la communauté. Nous

> serons ravis de recevoir vos propositions sur cette importante question.


> Cordialement,


> Eddy




> ----




> Eddy Kayihura




> Chief Executive Officer




> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)




> t: +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net

> <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>



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