[Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources -- Ongoing collusion?

Andrew Alston Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com
Thu Aug 20 08:46:00 UTC 2020

As far as I know,

EU-PI, as Frank has already stated, are end users with provider independent space - an entirely legitimate category.

Member-Only MAY refer to legacy resource organizations - I.E those who have legacy resources that, because of their legacy status, are not billed for, and hold no other resources. Hence, if space was transferred in during the migration from other RIR's into AfriNIC, it is possible that they have this designation. However, there is no way that an organization should receive an allocation from AfriNIC beyond the process sthat occurred to transfer in resources, and then be given this designation - that would almost certainly equate to a total fee waiver, and I would like to see the justification for such while the rest of us pay our fees.

Of course, some of this is supposition, and I would like to hear from the board if what I have stated above is actually accurate regarding the member only organisations.



From: Frank Habicht <geier at geier.ne.tz>
Sent: Thursday, 20 August 2020 08:42
To: community-discuss at afrinic.net
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources -- Ongoing collusion?

On 20/08/2020 07:52, Frank Habicht wrote:

> Now an observation I just made:

> from Feb 2007 until May 2014 "ORG-IA41-AFRINIC" was an LIR!

> and a change from LIR to "MEMBER-ONLY" (at 2014-05-26 13:15) should have

> come with removal of all resources, I believe.

But this change to "MEMBER-ONLY" seems to be 2.5 months after the ORG
received a /14 block.
Surely that was a substantial saving for ORG "ORG-IA41-AFRINIC".
And not for AfriNIC.


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