[Community-Discuss] Announcement for Final Candidate Slate for Open Seat on AFRINIC Governance Committee

Saul Stein saul at enetworks.co.za
Tue Jun 4 07:22:45 UTC 2019


I agree with Owen:

the candidate list that AFRINIC has sent out for the new board in the 
upcoming elections in two weeks: 

Besides the fact that we are meant to have the list 30 days before the AGMM, 
there is are some very concerning issues:

1)       There is only one candidate for the southern region

2)       He has been suspended from his day job 
https://www.itweb.co.za/content/Olx4z7kgwwx756km as the CEO of ZADNA, 
basically the organisation that controls domains in .za. read the article 
and draw your own conclusions as to what is going on.

3)       He is the only candidate that the NOMCOM have advertised

4)       The NOMCOM have no requirement (my understanding) to say of there 
were any other candidates.

5)       There is no longer an option to vote “none of the above”, 
effectively giving the NOMCOM the opportunity to select Directors without 
the need for an election. (what are they supposed to do if there is only one 
volunteer? Catch 22, we need to be able to vote “none of the above”)

6)       From being suspended from his day job he now becomes a director of 
the debatably the most important internet organisation in Africa.

Yes there is also only one candidate for the Eastern Africa as well. Again, 
without the “none of the above” options and only 1 candidate, NOMCOM elects 
the Board of Directors.

I understand the issue on “none of the above” voting option when there are 
more than 1 candidate, but when there is only one candidate, not having it, 
if you have an unsuitable person standing alone, there is no way to keep him 

This makes no sense at all.


From: Owen DeLong [mailto:owen at delong.com]
Sent: 04 June 2019 01:33 AM
To: AFRINIC Communication <comm-announce at afrinic.net>
Cc: community-discuss at afrinic.net
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Announcement for Final Candidate Slate for 
Open Seat on AFRINIC Governance Committee

Given that the none-of-the-above option has been removed from AfriNIC 
elections, should not the NomCom have a mandate to seek at least two 
candidates for any position before declaring a final slate?

Otherwise, this basically gives the NomCom the authority to appoint members 
of the governance committee (and other bodies such as the board).


On Jun 3, 2019, at 12:44 , AFRINIC Communication < 
<mailto:comm-announce at afrinic.net> comm-announce at afrinic.net> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the NomCom2019, AFRINIC is pleased to announce the following 
final candidate slate for the open seat on the AFRINIC Governance Committee 

Governance Committee

                • Ntumba Kayemba

Full candidate information has been published at 

The community (and members) are hereby invited to view candidate details and 
express any comments about the suitability of the candidates for the 
Governance committee position using the comment section at the URLs above.
Election will be held during the Annual General Members' Meeting (AGMM) to 
be held in Kampala on 20 June 2019.
More information is available at:  <https://afrinic.net/election-process> 

For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations committee 
by email to nomcom2019[at] <http://afrinic.net/> afrinic.net


Annonce des candidats pour l'election au comité de gouvernance

Au nom du Nomcom 2019, AFRINIC a le plaisir d’annoncer la liste finale des 
candidats pour election au sein du comité de gouvernance.

Comité de gouvernance

• Ntumba Kayemba

Plus d’informations sur les candidats sont publiées ici: 

La communauté (et les membres) sont invités à voir les détails des candidats 
et à formuler des commentaires sur les qualités personnelles des candidats 
pour le poste au comité de gouvernance en utilisant la section des 
commentaires sur les URL ci-dessus.

L'élection aura lieu lors de l'Assemblée générale annuelle des membres 
(AGMM) qui se tiendra à Kampala le 20 juin 2019.

Plus d'informations sont disponibles sur: 
<https://afrinic.net/election-process> https://afrinic.net/election-process

Pour toute question ou clarification, veuillez contacter le comité de 
nomination par courriel à nomcom2019 [at]  <http://afrinic.net/> afrinic.net

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