[Community-Discuss] Larus foundation fellowship

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Wed Jul 3 16:24:15 UTC 2019

Hi Sander,

I agree with your if we mean summary of the discussion, but actually I was meaning summary of the proposal, which in fact is already requested in the proposal forms and is already done by authors. Sometimes that's more a single paragraph, so in those cases I think it should be up to the authors to prepare it.


El 3/7/19 18:20, "Sander Steffann" <sander at steffann.nl> escribió:

Hi Jordi,

> I think this should not be done by third parties, but authors and staff (see our previous email on this about a 1-2 pages PDF), not going into 2 and 3 above and making sure that is done 1 week before the meeting, so only *latest* proposals/versions are considered.

I accept, except s/authors and staff/wg chairs/. Afrinic staff is in a difficult position as their jobs and tasks can be influenced by policy proposals, so asking them to write a non-biased summary isn't fair. The working group chairs have explicitly chosen to represent the working group as a whole and to be neutral regarding proposals, so they are the most appropriate people to make summaries. It's what they do when determining consensus anyway, so it is already part of their tasks. Sharing that before a face-to-face meeting would be very helpful and will help focus the discussions there.


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