[Community-Discuss] Call for Nominations for Co-Chair of the Policy Development Working Group

Wale Adedokun wale at forum.org.ng
Thu Mar 8 08:25:45 UTC 2018

Dear AFRINIC Community Member,
Please be reminded that the call for nominations for Co-Chair of the Policy Development Working Group will close on the 15th of March 2018. Thanks you.

best regards

NomCom 2018

----- Wale Adedokun <wale at forum.org.ng> wrote:
> Dear AFRINIC Community Member,
> The AFRINIC NomCom2018 is pleased to invite nominations for 1 Co-Chair of the Policy Development Working Group (PDWG) for a 2-year term, starting from the Public Policy Meeting in AFRINIC-28 to the Public Policy Meeting in AFRINIC-32. The Seat is currently held by Sami Salih.
> PDWG co-chairs are volunteers selected by the community as provided for in the current Policy Development Process (PDP). Their responsibilities are as follows:
> •Creating reports (summaries) of mailing list discussions in preparation for face to face meetings.
> •Chairing the meeting sessions and declaring consensus.
> •Creating post-meeting policy report and posting to the mailing list.
> •Sending notifications of Last Call and evaluating consensus or not thereof.
> •Writing report to the board to recommend ratification of policy proposals that gained consensus.
> •Evaluating emergencies that necessitate varying the normal policy development process.
> Eligibility
> Open to individuals residing within the AFRINIC service region.  All nominations (including self-nominations) shall be supported by a minimum of two AFRINIC community members; the two individuals must not work for the same organization.
> A person may only nominate one candidate - and, in case of multiple nominations by the same person, only the last nomination will be considered valid. AFRINIC or other RIR staff can neither nominate candidates nor be nominated.
> Nominating Procedure
> Nominations must be submitted using this nomination form at: https://registration.afrinic.net/elections/pdwg-nomination-2018 
> Please browse to the pages below for more information about the PDWG and related material:
> The AFRINIC Policy Development Working Group: 
>  https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/pdwg 
> AFRINIC PDWG Co-chair Election Process:
>  http://afrinic.net/fr/community/elections/pdwg-election 
> Deadline for Nominations
> The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 15th March 2018 at 20:00 UTC
> Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-28. The meeting will take place in Dakar, Senegal from 6th -11th May 2018. An eligible voter shall be any non-AFRINIC staff who has registered to attend (and is present at) the AFRINIC-28 meeting. A registration badge shall be requested as proof.
> NomCom 2018
> Wale Adedokun PhD
> Event Coordinator
> Nigeria Network Operators Group(ngNOG)
> 2348037035811
> wale at forum.org.ng

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