[Community-Discuss] Raising concerns

Ali Hussein ali at hussein.me.ke
Thu Jun 28 10:03:51 UTC 2018

Dear community members

I may have missed some posts so I apologize in advance if I repeat myself. Here are my thoughts:-

As a community we MUST condemn anyone and publicly name and shame them if they commit beyond any reasonable doubt such acts as below:-

1. Racism/Tribalism
2. Sexual harassment 
3. Corruption 

All too often we skirt around such issues, excusing ourselves and giving people the benefit of doubt on these defining matters of our times. To give you context see link below to a story of how Netflix’s CEO fired the Chief Communications Officer for using the N-Word.


Ali Hussein
AHK & Associates
+254 0713 601113 

Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."  ~ Aristotle

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> On 28 Jun 2018, at 12:14 PM, Dabu Sifiso <dabu.sifiso at yandex.com> wrote:
> Mr. Adomey,
> I agree with you! 
> The board must take immediate action and apply restrictions. 
> Immediate moderation or full permanent bans on people making racist attacks of any kind!
> Especially if the people in question are or were in official positions within various AFRINIC roles (community functions, elected roles or even current or former staff) or have been recipients of sponsorship of AFRINIC in one form or another.
> No second chance for those! 
> They leave a permanent tarnish the honour given to them and insult the spirit of what this community is.
> In my short time on these lists I have seen many attacks and references being made that are of either very openly racist nature or just with a heavy insinuating tone.
> Some people even got moderated for a while as a consequence.
> Going through the archives anyone can find even more of these aggravating remarks than what was said in the past 6 months or so..
> Could we consider implementing some sort of rules of moderation, leaving no rooms for racist vitriol to be spread here:
> Racist comments from current/former AFRINIC roles or recipients of sponsorship:
> Immediate and permanent ban publicly announced by chairs, this due to the severity of such comments in relation to their standing within the community and how it reflects on all of us,
> Racist comments from others:
> Immediate 2 weeks ban on first offense publicly announced by chairs, only to be lifted after public apologies and 2 weeks has passed, permanent on second.
> Insinuations:
> Immediate moderation publicly announced by chairs, request for public clarification of said comments, if of racist nature apply the above measures, if comments were just of misunderstood, immediate lift of moderation publicly announced by chairs.
> Any of the above decisions left open to be appealed through an appeal committee if the poster feels unfairly treated, with the committee's decision being made public and final.
> It is sad as it would mean to forcibly moderate what should be a free thoughts environment to share ideas and experiences.
> But we cannot control the mind of people and the thoughts they wish to spread out.
> What we can do is force them leave the vitriol out of these lists, there are plenty of other platforms for them to spread out their ill conceived thoughts.
> 27.06.2018, 11:52, "Marcus K. G. Adomey" <madomey at hotmail.com>:
>> Andrew,
>>> at times even blatant racism that occurs on this list -
>> Your statement above must be backed up with facts.
>> This is a serious matter and I called on board to deal with such an accusation with immediate and utmost urgency!
>> Thanks
>> Marcus
>> Get Outlook for Android
>> ----------------------------------------
>> From: Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 2:41:55 AM
>> To: Arnaud AMELINA
>> Cc: community-discuss at afrinic.net
>> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Raising concerns
>> Arnaud,
>> To be frank - there are many lists that Afrinic is discussed on - NAP is one of them - because it contains a few hundred afrinic members - but it is not an “afrinic discussion list” in any way shape or form - it is an internet exchange list for members of a particular exchange - just happens that sometimes Afrinic matters come up there.
>> Quite frankly - I see it on many lists - people would rather discuss on other lists where they are not confronted with the vitriol and accusations and at times even blatant racism that occurs on this list - and they are free to do so.
>> This list is not exactly the most... welcoming to people who come here - the moment anyone posts a disagreement it gets personal and is full of ad hominem attacks and personalization, so, if we don’t want segments of this community taking their issues off list - then this list needs to be a lot less hostile.
>> And yes - I still oppose the review policy - because I still believe that the RSA covers what it needs to - and we do not need anything more - nor do I see a point in anything more.  Especially something as what I still believe is wide open to attack.
>> The specifics of the case I referred to in your quoted email were about someone who was openly and publically spamming people with an offer in contravention of adopter policy and hence the RSA - we don’t need the review policy to deal with such
>> Andrew
>> Liquid Telecommunications - Group Head Of IP Strategy
>> ----------------------------------------
>> From: Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at gmail.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 9:01:45 PM
>> To: Andrew Alston
>> Cc: Alan Barrett; community-discuss at afrinic.net
>> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Raising concerns
>> Dear Community,
>> 2018-06-22 8:45 GMT+00:00 Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com>:
>>> Alan,
>>> Sorry to say this - but - these questions - need to be asked and answered in front of the community - this community has a right to the answers.
>>> Since you asked me for succinct questions though - I will ask them straight
>>> a.) What is the board doing about the fact that the organisation cannot - by the bylaws - elect directors - and without elected directors cannot get quorum to host another AGMM - which is a ....
>>> i.) When will we be getting a response to the outcome of the investigation promised to myself and the members of the NAP list as regards a particular sale of IP space
>> Hmmmm. Since when did the NAP list became a forum to discuss AFRINIC matters that the CEO commits to?  A special list for a certain community? Double standards?
>> Is he asking for investigation on allocated address space while he is strongly opposed to the review policy proposal?
>> As discussed over and over, we are reaching a stage where review of resources usage and investigation when required has become critical to AFRINIC operation
>>> I can keep going - but I think that is sufficient for now.
>>> Alan - if asking questions is attacking people - then there is a problem - because if questions are asked by the members and there are no problems with the answers - there is nothing to feel attacked about.  If however - you are saying that members must ask their  questions in the dark and out of sight of this community - you are again asking me to stay away from the precepts of transparency - and I cannot - and will not - do that.
>>> .....
>>> The questions will continue - if not on the community list - then on the member list - if not on the members list - on other forums - I do not mind which - but - until AFRINIC is prepared to be the transparent organisation it claims to be - I will continue to ask the public questions and stand by every single one of them.
>>> Andrew
>> Arnaud
>> ,
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