[Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting (off-topic)

Saul Stein saul at enetworks.co.za
Thu Jun 21 13:17:42 UTC 2018

Dear SM, 
This should all be in your ticketing system. Any respectable ticketing
system should be able to report on calls that have taken longer than 3
days to resolve.
I could ask the South African ISPs to produce this list, however, and this
is becoming the issue, what's the point? We, as a membership base have
been complaining about this on the lists for some time and at the AGMMs.

People don't have the time to document every little thing that happens -
it takes time away from them doing what they need to do to make the
companies they work for functional.
As mentioned, some gave up and went to RIPE - they won't have kept their
ticket numbers...


-----Original Message-----
From: S Moonesamy [mailto:sm+afrinic at elandsys.com] 
Sent: 21 June 2018 02:21 PM
To: Saul Stein <saul at enetworks.co.za>; community-discuss at afrinic.net
Subject: RE: [Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting (off-topic)

Hi Saul,
At 03:44 AM 21-06-2018, Saul Stein wrote:
>Every ISP that I have spoken to complains about the service levels to 
>the point that one or two actually got space from RIPE.

Can you please get me the ticket numbers, the dates of the complaints and
the dates the complaints were resolved (if applicable)?

S. Moonesamy 

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