[Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Faulty result for Western Africa in AfriNIC AGMM Elections

Omo Oaiya Omo.Oaiya at wacren.net
Thu Jun 7 14:45:15 UTC 2018

On 7 June 2018 at 15:16, Owen DeLong <owen at delong.com> wrote:

> The result is not broken. The guidelines need to be improved to avoid the
> potential for the proposed alternate and illogical conclusion and provide
> greater clarity.

I marvel at your logic.  The result was derived form same guidelines that
have potential for illogical conclusion and insufficient clarity yet it is
not broken?

> That can be achieved without further answers from board, legal, or CEO. I
> realize that doesn’t provide the outcome that those who proposed this
> illogical (albeit literal) alternative interpretation were hoping for, but
> it is the only rational outcome.

I think you let the board, legal or CEO respond to this before AFRINIC is
subjected to unneccessary legal  exposure


> Owen
> On Jun 7, 2018, at 06:34, Noah <noah at neo.co.tz> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2018, 12:44 p.m. Ben Roberts, <Ben.Roberts at liquidtelecom.com>
> wrote:
>> But isn’t this an academic discussion?
>> I’m not seeing any of the candidates that were rejected by majority by
>> the members raising any requests to appeal?
> We have major issues that need answers in order to fix the flaws that are
> apparently being avoided by those tasked with answers.
> If the board or the CEO or the legal counsel dodges answering some of this
> questions then how shall we fix what is clearly broken.
> Noah
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