[Community-Discuss] Questioning - The AfriNIC voting system that disenfrachases most members

Chevalier du Borg virtual.borg at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 19:08:23 UTC 2018

Le sam. 2 juin 2018 à 21:27, Noah <noah at neo.co.tz> a écrit :

> 1. Members rights to vote and why they do it.
> 2. The importance of nominating good candidates to the various leadership
> positions.
> 3. The importance of participation in the PDP activities
> 4.The importance if querying the organisation performance in terms of
> finance, human resources, service delivery among other things.

This are good common sense suggestion. But IF BoD and AFRINIC need to be
told to do this, IF AFRINIC has not réalise this for over 6 year and done
something., THEN we have a much much big problem.

> Cheers,
> Noah
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Borg le Chevalier
"Common sense is what tells us the world is flat"
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