[Community-Discuss] Issue with non-AFRINIC Fellowship to Meeting -

Willy MANGA mangawilly at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 13:30:40 UTC 2018

Hello Ish

Le 10/12/2018 à 13:26, Ish Sookun a écrit :
> Hi Willy,
> The agenda as advertised by a fellowship programme and what it actually
> does on-site might be contradictory. Any organization may write that
> they are offering a fellowship programme for the betterment of the
> Internet in the African region, while in fact, they have a more obscure
> and long term purpose. You can't be sure or ascertain that with what's
> written on a webpage.

The most important here is : if the organization has a fellowship
program or kind of, I suggested to publish it on their website with
details (announcements, requirements, results,...).
AFRINIC, ICANN fellowship program for instance have dedicated pages on
their respective websites.

A fellow is bound to some rules put in place by the organization during
a specific timeline.

Outside fellowship program, it's another story. But I remind you that
when you participate in a debate  during face-to-face meeting (either on
microphone or remotely), you must clearly state your name and your

Even here on mailing-list it could be a good practice if you use an
email address according to your affiliation. Especially if you  send
messages from your corporate email , it should mean you speak on behalf
of that particular organization. When it's not a corporate email, it
depends :)

Willy Manga

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