[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Annual Financial Statements 2016

Janvier NGNOULAYE jnoulaye at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 19:10:31 UTC 2017

Dear Omo,
You must note that I am silent on the discussion in progress.
I am very sorry that you read my view in the wrong way here.
I am reproaching Noah's method and not the problem that he has raised
though relevant. I just wanted to remind him that he has a double hat now,
he can ask some questions Inbox to the Chair or the CEO to build his
knowledge base as a new comer into the leaders team.  Anyway, it was just
an advice to him.
Nice end of weekend.

2017-06-18 14:06 GMT+01:00 Omo Oaiya <Omo.Oaiya at wacren.net>:

> Not exactly sure what you mean by this Janvier.  Sounds very much like do
> not point out any discrepancies since you are part of the team.  I don’t
> think that’s helpful.  Do you have an opinion on the matter being discussed?
> I think for accountability and transparency, AfriNic should make these
> information available.  I don’t see any privacy issues.
> Omo
> On 18 Jun 2017, at 15:02, Janvier NGNOULAYE <jnoulaye at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Noah,
> Just to advice you to come down, for some requests you can send an Inbox
> mail to CEO or Chair not to the Community list. You are an ASO member now
> for AFRINIC. This means that you are among the leaders team of AFRINIC.
> Keep united with the team please.
> Warm regards
> Janvier Ngnoulaye
> Le 18 juin 2017 09:35, "Noah" <noah at neo.co.tz> a écrit :
>> On 18 Jun 2017 11:22 a.m., "Alan Barrett" <alan.barrett at afrinic.net>
>> wrote:
>> > On 18 Jun 2017, at 11:56, Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Alan,
>> >
>> > Excuse me, the community is there to make a fuss about issues of
>> transparency and accountability.
>> Yes, you are.  And in response, I am seeking legal advice about whether
>> or not to publish the names of closed members.  Please be patient.
>> Hi Alan
>> You clearly did not inform the Community about your decision not to
>> publish the list of closed members after 2014?
>> So while you are seeking legal advice on your two years old decision, can
>> you please respond to the other 3 questions below?
>> 1. How many members have been closed in 2015,2016 and 2017?
>> 2. How much ressources have been recovered since?
>> 3. Where are the recovered ressources listed in Afrinic pool of
>> ressources?
>> Noah
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>> Omo Oaiya
> CTO/Directeur Technique, WACREN
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