[Community-Discuss] Theresa May says the internet must now be regulated following London Bridge terror attack

Ish Sookun ish at lsl.digital
Tue Jun 6 06:32:04 UTC 2017

Hi Abdirashid, Badru,

On 05/06/17 19:05, Abdirashid Ibrahim Abdirahman wrote:
> [...] It seems that the world powers are now promoting actions against
the internet freedem.

On 06/06/17 06:37, Badru Ntege wrote:
> Interesting times ahead. The more need for dialogue between industry and government.

I read

I quote from the Article what Theresa May said:

    "We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. Yet
     that is precisely what the internet and the big companies that
     provide internet-based services provide."

Identifying and tackling hate speech on the internet is a complex issue
specially if the content is located in multiple jurisdictions. May's
comment is vague. Is "safe space" referring to content that is published
online (blogs, pages on social networks etc) or private communications
on the internet?


Ish Sookun

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