[Community-Discuss] Accountability assessment - quorum

Jackson Muthili jacksonmuthi at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 07:42:53 UTC 2016

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 1:20 AM, Badru Ntege <badru.ntege at nftconsult.com> wrote:
> I believe over the years we have modified how proxies are used. I.e numbers of proxies one can use.  The suggestion was not to eliminate.
> Even laws that have worked over centuries are modified.
> That's why I cannot come with 100 proxies to an election.
> We need to get clarity on how proxies impact quorum too.
> The issue needs to be discussed well to create full clarity.

Nothing to discuss. A proxy attends a general meeting in place of the
member and while in attendance has full right and power as if it was
the member present.

In fact this limitation of number of member representations a proxy
can have is plain silly. Every member should have a right to appoint a
proxy of their choice. If 1000 members end up appointing the same
individual to proxy so be it.


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