[Community-Discuss] Accountability assessment - quorum

Jackson Muthili jacksonmuthi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 10:10:26 UTC 2016

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:49 AM, Andrew Alston
<Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com> wrote:
> Writing in my personal capacity.
> Firstly, let me point out that anything I write on this list – unless
> explicitly stated – is written in my personal capacity and not as a
> director.

Why are you disrespectful of others in your personal capacity?

> What I write here is not necessarily representative of the wider
> board views and should the board be taking a position on something it will
> be communicated as such via the chairperson or someone delegated that
> responsibility by the board.  So please, let us not mis-interpret my words
> as the words of the board.

You said wrote to Alain " Quite frankly – I think what you have said
here is, at best, extremely naive and at worst incredibly

You use this kind of language most of the time and this is not good.
It is intimidating to new people trying to join discussion and air
their opinion and is clear expression of an autocratic mind. Why cant
you tolerate and maturely engage in a respectful way?

Alain say he respects AfriNIC directors and you are one of them. It
has nothing to do with your personal views. You are still a Director
of AfriNIC and an important person in your other capacities. Please
please just be mindful of peoples feelings and use euphemisms that can
deliver the same message in a respectful way.

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