[Community-Discuss] IANA Numbering Services Review Committee appointment

Alan Barrett alan.barrett at afrinic.net
Sat Nov 7 12:20:51 UTC 2015

> On 6 Nov 2015, at 16:14, Douglas Onyango <ondouglas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Because this is supposed to be an ad hoc committee, I see no reason why the existing ASO appointees can't serve the role.
> I therefore support option A

It would actually be a standing committee, meeting by teleconference at least twice per year.  See paragraphs 8 and 9 in the charter:

>> 8. The Review Committee will meet entirely via teleconference for its activities. Except as contemplated in paragraph 11, the teleconferences must be open to the public who wish to listen to the Review Committee discussions, and will be facilitated by the RIRs.
>> 9. Meetings must be held at least twice each year, and more often as required.

Alan Barrett

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