AFRINIC expenses

Paul Wollner paul.wollner at
Wed Sep 14 15:16:51 UTC 2022


As member, I am very concerned that AFRINIC have been paying multiple members’ flight tickets to Manutius in past few weeks, as well as some huge sponsorship expenses that far exceeds normal operation budget.

It seems that AFRINIC lawyers are still acting in court while there is no quorum board to give instructions, hence acting illegally.

Since AFRINIC does not have a board since 15th of June, can the current financial department confirm the following:

   1. The AFRINIC expense account since 15th June 2022 till today.

   2. Who authorises those payment to A. Members’ flight tickets B. Legal fees C. Multiple activities including sponsorship that are clearly outside of normal operation activity.

Me as a member, as well as my fellow members, have the right to know.

Please respond within 24 hours.

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