[AfriNIC-announce] AfriNIC participates in the ATU conference "Internet Infrastructure for an African Digital Economy

Babusha Radhakissoon babusha at afrinic.net
Tue Mar 6 16:26:45 SAST 2012

*AfriNIC sponsors and participates in the "Internet Infrastructure for
an African Digital Economy" conference organised by the African
Telecommunications Union*

6^th March 2012 - The African Network Information Centre -- AfriNIC, in
its capacity as Regional Internet Registry is participating in
the*"Internet Infrastructure for an African Digital Economy",
*hosted**by the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) in conjunction
with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN),
the Internet Society (ISOC) and other Internet Associations in
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from the 5^th to 7^th March 2012.**The
conference is targeting policy and decision makers from all African
Member States to discuss the theme of the meeting.

AfriNIC will play an important role during the workshop. Adiel A.
Akplogan, AfriNIC's CEO moderated and gave an African experience on the
/"Internet Governance Institutions and the role of various
stakeholders"/ panel. He also participated in the /"Overview of Internet
Number Resources"/ panel, alongside Hisham Ibrahim, AfriNIC's IPv6
Program Manager, to give AfriNIC's perspective on Internet Number
Resources and the move to IPv6.

 "/Partnering with the ATU for this conference is a way for us to
reaffirm our commitment to contribute into strengthening Internet
Infrastructure in Africa. This Workshop is part of a regional initiative
to increase African stakeholders' participation to the upcoming ITU WTSA
and WCIT meeting where Internet infrastructure issues may be raised and
in such discussion Africans should be prepared to have an informed and
constructive contribution. We also believe that without a stable and
resilient Internet Infrastructure it is almost impossible to talk about
a sustainable Digital Economy development in our region/", states Mr.

/ /As sponsor to the ATU's conference coupled with its Government
Working group initiative, AfriNIC aims at nurturing relationships with
its strategic partners for the development of an open and
multi-stakeholder Internet governance in our region.


-- Babusha Radhakissoon

AfriNIC | 11th Floor ABC | Raffles Tower | Cybercity | Mauritius
Tel: +230 403 5100 |Fax: +230 466 6758 
Join us at AfriNIC-16 Gambia, 12 - 18 May 2012


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