[AISPC] Draft agenda

Nancy Dotse nancydotse at gmail.com
Tue May 30 16:30:57 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Something is broken and its not good.   I recall after a similar situation
in Zambia 2013, it was agreed that we do our very best not to schedule
other events during the Plenary sessions. What happened today is appalling.
I recall I asked and was told the only scheduled event was the Shut down
policy at 4pm. Contrary to this, there were a number of sessions today at
the Boma Inn which affected participation in the AfNOG Plenary session.
AfNOG has only one day Conference and will strongly suggest going forward
that No event is scheduled on on this day.

Sad day indeed for this community


On May 5, 2017, at 4:12 PM, Ashil Oogarah <ashil at afrinic.net> wrote:

Dear PC,

Note the deadline is Monday 8 May (CoB) for finalising the list of speakers
to be included in the program so they have sufficient time to prepare.

Please send your comments asap.

I shall then proceed with informing speakers about the outcome of the
selection process by Tuesday 9 May.



Ashil Oogarah
Communications Team Lead
t: +230 403 51 00 | f: +230 466 6758 <+230%20466%206758> | tt: @afrinic |
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Join us for the Africa Internet Summit, 21 May to 02 June 2017

On May 5, 2017, at 9:54 AM, Alan Barrett <alan.barrett at afrinic.net> wrote:

On 5 May 2017, at 09:35, Douglas Onyango <ondouglas at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Alan,
1. I like the logical grouping of related presentations.
2. I notice that on 30th, you decided to go into Rm 3 only for the last
session, when Rm 2 is empty at the same time. Is there some reason for this?

“Side room 1” (what you call “Rm 2”) is actually busy all day for a
workshop on measurements.  We haven’t showed the time accurately.

3. On 02/06, I notice that we have engaged Rm 4 for a lonely set of
presentations. Splitting up to 4 will mean some sessions will have little
or no attendees. Anyway we can adjust this to make it fit in 3 rooms? say
move it to 30/05 where we have Rm 1 & 2 available

All rooms are full on Tuesday 30 May.  They are used by sessions that the
PC was not asked to review.

4. To make for proper panel discussion, it is necessary for us to re-orient
some speakers, away from the presentation format. Take the Internet
shutdown session for instance: I would much prefer that the speakers are
told to not present but discuss the topic interactively.

Yes, we are contacting the presenters who wanted to talk about shutdowns,
and we’ll have a panel instead of separate presentations.  We will probably
let them make a short presentation during the panel.

5. And unrelated: I am happy to volunteer to moderate a session if Ashil
needs some people to help.

Thank you.

Alan Barrett
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AISPC at afrinic.net

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