[AfrIPv6-Discuss] Next generation MITnet

Willy MANGA willy.manga at auf.org
Thu Apr 20 10:58:04 UTC 2017

Hello Omo,

Le 20/04/2017 à 11:45, Omo Oaiya a écrit :
>> On 20 Apr 2017, at 11:28, Willy MANGA <willy.manga at auf.org> wrote:
>> On universities field where we are involved, from my point of view that
>> should even be mandatory. I will continue to say that there are no
>> reasons to not use v6 today (not tomorrow).
> There are some reasons why v6 cannot be used today.   Upstreams who don’t offer v6 is one.  Another is cost to retool and the resulting inertia

Agree but we should continue to push forward.

> In AfricaConnect2, and preceding AfricaConnect, v6 was offered from the start so we will resolve the upstream issue, at least for NRENs and connected universities

I'm currently dealing with my colleagues of higher education in Cameroon
here to give v6 prefixes to the universities (on 2c0f:f6a0::/32 block).
Hopefully, at least one campus before the end of 2017 will start to use it.

>> Concerning MIT statement it depends on where you stand. They will
>> migrate completely to v6 because they will not «have to worry about the
>> proliferation of smart phones, the Internet of Things, or whatever comes
>> next» . Our universities have to follow that path in my humble opinion.
> As you pointed out earlier in the blog, MIT is selling some of their IPv4 stock to fund this and will complete in 2019 despite these significant resources.
> I am not saying African universities cannot lead the way, but it takes more than wishing it.

Agree but with more people concerned,

>> Here in Cameroon, v6 networks work quite well in our networks (Yaounde
>> [1],Ngaoundere [2]) and we'll continue to push its development in the
>> region.
> You are having to tunnel via v4.   I know a number of universities that ran such tunnels as far back as 2010.   They didn’t see the point in maintaining them.

> You may be able to connect to the v6 Internet this way but you appearing on it as an American company.  I wouldn’t call this working quite well.  We can make it work better.

We are no more behind a tunnel :) . That was 1 year ago !!  We are using
native IPv6 both on our 2 sites. :) . our block : 2001:4268:1a1::/48

Same actions are in the pipe with Gabon actually.

Willy Ted MANGA
Responsable Technique Régional | DACGL

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