[AfrIPv6-Discuss] AfrIPv6-Discuss Digest, Vol 113, Issue 20

Alida Gisèle Yonli alidagy at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 17:05:59 UTC 2016

Bonsoir à Tous

Je souhaite proposer un module : "Proccess for IPV6 migration" qui
pourrait être dispenser à la suite de celui identifié par Tidjani
"IPV6 for manager"

Alida Gisèle YONLI
Burkina Faso

2016-01-21 15:03 UTC, afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net
<afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net>:
> Send AfrIPv6-Discuss mailing list submissions to
> 	afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net
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> 	afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	afripv6-discuss-owner at afrinic.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of AfrIPv6-Discuss digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: IPv6 adoption per country (Tandankwa STANLEY Fon)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 16:04:30 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Tandankwa STANLEY Fon <stanleos2000 at yahoo.com>
> To: "afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net" <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
> Subject: Re: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] IPv6 adoption per country
> Message-ID:
> 	<1156903020.2926980.1453305870473.JavaMail.yahoo at mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Yes Brahim,?Just to support what Brice, as it stands now, there is nothing
> holding us from running IPv6 in our various enterprises. We do not
> necessarily need the government for that.
> Hey to All
> Stanley?
>     On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 3:45 AM,
> "afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net" <afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net>
> wrote:
>  Send AfrIPv6-Discuss mailing list submissions to
> ??? afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> ??? https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/afripv6-discuss
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> ??? afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> ??? afripv6-discuss-owner at afrinic.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of AfrIPv6-Discuss digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> ? 1. Re: IPv6 adoption per country (Stephen Honlue)
> ? 2. Re: AfrIPv6-Discuss Digest, Vol 113, Issue 15 (brahim ousmane)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 15:36:26 +0400
> From: Stephen Honlue <stephen.honlue at afrinic.net>
> To: IPv6 in Africa Discussions <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
> Subject: Re: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] IPv6 adoption per country
> Message-ID: <30DE4578-7947-4FB3-8802-CE5FA051DACB at afrinic.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Du courage Tidjani, ca ira.
> Je viens de mettre en ligne un document google a l?adresse:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G4hwUrIF-j1GS7peDlSohsdw0PMaf9QzYlExXh-mOMM/edit#
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G4hwUrIF-j1GS7peDlSohsdw0PMaf9QzYlExXh-mOMM/edit>
> Vos contributions sont attendues, sentez vous libre de contribuer en
> fran?ais.
> Merci encore en bonne journ?e.
> Stephen.
>> On Jan 19, 2016, at 3:16 PM, TIDJANI Mahamat Adoum
>> <mhtguinassou at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bonjour Brice!
>> Tout ce dont tu as parl? anime notre quotidien ici! et soyez rassurer
>> qu'on est pas d?courager on va continuer par les sensibiliser jusqu'? ce
>> qu'ils comprennent les enjeux ! dans mon entreprise particuli?rement j'ai
>> fais assez d'effort mais les d?cideurs sont loin d'adh?rer. C'est
>> pourquoi? il sera trop important qu'on insert ?galement le module IPV6 for
>> Manager cette ann?e dans le programme de formation AFRINIC. Ce qui est sur
>> on va postuler avec l'ADETIC pour l?h?bergement de la session au Tchad
>> cette ann?e!
>> Ing?nieur R?seaux T?l?coms
>> Cellule Fibre Optique (SOTEL-TCHAD)
>> Ligne Direct: (00235) 66273348 ou 77306979
>> Ligne secourt: (00235) 62306979 ou 92306979
>> E-mail.S: tidjanicapi at hotmail.fr <mailto:tidjanicapi at hotmail.fr>
>> Le 19 janvier 2016 ? 10:11, Brice ABBA <brice at afrinic.net
>> <mailto:brice at afrinic.net>> a ?crit :
>> Salut, TIDJANI,
>> > Brice St?phane et les autres, nous avons tous faits de notre mieux ?
>> > travers plusieurs actions pour que la migration de l'Ipv6 soit
>> > effective dans nos ?tats, mais h?las cela traine encore.
>> Si les politiques trainent c'est parce qu'ils n'ont pas encore ete
>> convaincu de l?int?r?t de miger a IPv6, c'est donc avous de redoubler
>> d?effort, faites des s?minaires, d'information et mettez l\accent sur le
>> fait que l''Afrique est demandeuse de contenu alors que le contenu se
>> trouve jors d'Afrique et labas on parle deja IPv6, il faut donc que nous
>> parlions IPv6 aussi sinon nous aurons plus acc?s a ce contenu internet...
>> Il ya plusieurs exemples concret de ce type qui peuvent les aider a
>> changer leur mentalit? et surtout ne pas baisser les bras parce que
>> c'est la communaut? technique qui doit faire bouger les choses, monter
>> leur que IPv6 marche, utiliser les tunnel brocker etc... Il faut que
>> vous fassiez deja le premier pas avec des labs IPv6 invitez es a venir
>> voir...
>> Rien ne t;empeche deja dans ton entreprise a Utiliser IPv6
>> --
>> Mr Brice B. ABBA
>> Trainer, AFRINIC - brice at afrinic.net <mailto:brice at afrinic.net> -
>> +22508607228 <tel:%2B22508607228> - skype: brice.abba
>> t: +230 403 51 00 <tel:%2B230%20403%2051%2000> | f: +230 466 6758
>> <tel:%2B230%20466%206758> | tt: @afrinic | w:www.afrinic.net
>> <http://www.afrinic.net/>
>> facebook.com/afrinic <http://facebook.com/afrinic> | flickr.com/afrinic
>> <http://flickr.com/afrinic> | youtube.com/afrinicmedia
>> <http://youtube.com/afrinicmedia>
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Join us or the Africa Internet Summit (AIS?16) in Gaborone, Botswana, 29
>> May to 10 June 2016
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>> AfrIPv6-Discuss at afrinic.net <mailto:AfrIPv6-Discuss at afrinic.net>
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>> AfrIPv6-Discuss at afrinic.net
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 12:44:25 +0100
> From: brahim ousmane <braoust at gmail.com>
> To: afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net
> Subject: Re: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] AfrIPv6-Discuss Digest, Vol 113, Issue
> ??? 15
> Message-ID: <61328220-88A5-4A66-934A-C9A91509E876 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi everyone !
> Je pense que cest pas seulement le probleme des gouvernements? mais aussi
> des communaut?s locales donc aux communaut?s locales de commencer deja par
> la sensibilisation sur l'Ipv6? dans les mondes academiques? afin d'encrer
> l'ipv6 dans les priorit?s universitaires .
> ------------------------------------------------
> Internet Society-Chad Chapter
> Brahim Ousmane Mustapha
> Tel:(00235) 62-31-92-64
> Tel:(00235) 77 00 00 18
> Tel:(00235)90-93-20-12
> Farcha II, rue 1411,porte 1402
> Ndjamena(Tchad)
> Merci de consid?rer l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel.
>> Le 19 janv. 2016 ? 12:16, afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net a ?crit :
>> Send AfrIPv6-Discuss mailing list submissions to
>>? ? afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>? ? https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/afripv6-discuss
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>? ? afripv6-discuss-request at afrinic.net
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>? ? afripv6-discuss-owner at afrinic.net
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of AfrIPv6-Discuss digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>? 1. Re: IPv6 adoption per country (Noah)
>>? 2. Call for contributions for IPv6 Deployment? ? Guidelines for
>>? ? ? Africa region (Stephen Honlue)
>>? 3. Re: IPv6 adoption per country (Brice ABBA)
>>? 4. Re: IPv6 adoption per country (TIDJANI Mahamat Adoum)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 21:07:12 +0300
>> From: Noah <noah at neo.co.tz>
>> To: IPv6 in Africa <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>> Subject: Re: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] IPv6 adoption per country
>> Message-ID:
>>? ? <CAEqgTWZcYVjKT2CsyMioP+j4bRKxKxXZYs142+mBRzP2ijwcQA at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> On 18 Jan 2016 18:13, "Stephen Honlue" <stephen.honlue at afrinic.net>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Noah for sharing.
>>> My remarks inline.
>>>> On Jan 18, 2016, at 6:04 PM, Noah <noah at neo.co.tz> wrote:
>>>>> On 18 Jan 2016 11:17, "Jean-Claude Mudilu" <jcmudilu at netaca.cd> wrote:
>>>>> Those already implemented IPv6 need to share their success cases to
>> encourage the community starting use the IPv6 acquired.
>>>>> Whether you are running a Cisco or Juniper or Mikrotik or Huwaii or
>> ZTE, standards are the same but implementation/configuration could be
>> different.
>>> I totally agree.
>>>>> What you have been doing for IPv4 is what you would pretty much do for
>> IPv6.
>>> Most networks in Africa are running NAT and rely on this as a security
>> feature for example. With IPv6, they will have to rethink their network
>> topology and security.
>> I have always found the statement that "NAT is a security feature" as
>> rather misleading.
>> Think beyond the transport layer and above and you will realise that NAT
>> is
>> nothing.
>> Anything is possible between Transport and Application layer otherwise
>> [anonymous] wouldnt be bring down websites like a hobby.
>> If softwares are buggy brace yourself for some security issues and NAT
>> wont
>> be around to stop anything.
>> PC users running windows os have had to invest in anti virus solutions
>> and
>> you wonder why given the fact that they tens to seat behind? NAT...
>> So there no any rethinking of the network topology because IP is at a
>> layer
>> which you could actually harden but SPAM and phising or application layer
>> security is far above and that is where you are hit...
>>> Yes really but before diving into configuration, people have to know
>>> that
>> IPv6 is not just the successor of IPv4, there is a lot that has changed
>> for
>> example IPv6 heavily really on ICMPv6-with NDP messages-. You won?t just
>> shutdown ICMPv6 for instance as most people did with ICMP and expect IPv6
>> to work, you therefore need to know various messages codes...
>> I tend to just break things and learn along the way. Its a lot and cant
>> learn it all.
>> So my approach would be for guys to just do it and improve along the way
>> oke configuration sythax at a time.
>>> There is a lot to share with the community to help those that are not
>>> yet
>> involved to start right now, that is the reason of this initiative.
>>> Sharing with us here some success cases will help encourage them.
>> All i can share in my free time is how to do it if people want to get the
>> ball rolling.
>>> Regards,
>>> Stephen.
>> Noah
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>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 12:49:45 +0400
>> From: Stephen Honlue <stephen.honlue at afrinic.net>
>> To: latif at ladid.lu, IPv6 in Africa Discussions
>>? ? <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>> Cc: maraisl at ufs.ac.za
>> Subject: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] Call for contributions for IPv6 Deployment
>>? ? Guidelines for Africa region
>> Message-ID: <3E64A1F1-3466-4A34-A759-F38CEC0D71A4 at afrinic.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Dear all,
>> As we agreed, @Ladif, @Brice and I created the following google document:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G4hwUrIF-j1GS7peDlSohsdw0PMaf9QzYlExXh-mOMM/edit#
>> We invite all those with previous experiences in deploying IPv6 networks
>> in Universities and ISPs to participate.
>> We are attempting in building best practice guideline for deployment of
>> IPv6 for ISPs and Universities ? for the African region.
>> We hope this will help those stuck behind.
>> Regards,
>> Stephen.
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>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:11:38 +0400
>> From: Brice ABBA <brice at afrinic.net>
>> To: IPv6 in Africa Discussions <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>> Subject: Re: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] IPv6 adoption per country
>> Message-ID: <569DFDCA.8060504 at afrinic.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
>> Salut, TIDJANI,
>>> Brice St?phane et les autres, nous avons tous faits de notre mieux ?
>>> travers plusieurs actions pour que la migration de l'Ipv6 soit
>>> effective dans nos ?tats, mais h?las cela traine encore.
>> Si les politiques trainent c'est parce qu'ils n'ont pas encore ete
>> convaincu de l?int?r?t de miger a IPv6, c'est donc avous de redoubler
>> d?effort, faites des s?minaires, d'information et mettez l\accent sur le
>> fait que l''Afrique est demandeuse de contenu alors que le contenu se
>> trouve jors d'Afrique et labas on parle deja IPv6, il faut donc que nous
>> parlions IPv6 aussi sinon nous aurons plus acc?s a ce contenu internet...
>> Il ya plusieurs exemples concret de ce type qui peuvent les aider a
>> changer leur mentalit? et surtout ne pas baisser les bras parce que
>> c'est la communaut? technique qui doit faire bouger les choses, monter
>> leur que IPv6 marche, utiliser les tunnel brocker etc... Il faut que
>> vous fassiez deja le premier pas avec des labs IPv6 invitez es a venir
>> voir...
>> Rien ne t;empeche deja dans ton entreprise a Utiliser IPv6
>> --
>> Mr Brice B. ABBA
>> Trainer, AFRINIC - brice at afrinic.net - +22508607228 - skype: brice.abba
>> t: +230 403 51 00 | f: +230 466 6758 | tt: @afrinic | w:www.afrinic.net
>> facebook.com/afrinic | flickr.com/afrinic | youtube.com/afrinicmedia
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Join us or the Africa Internet Summit (AIS?16) in Gaborone, Botswana, 29
>> May to 10 June 2016
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 12:16:09 +0100
>> From: TIDJANI Mahamat Adoum <mhtguinassou at gmail.com>
>> To: IPv6 in Africa Discussions <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>> Subject: Re: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] IPv6 adoption per country
>> Message-ID:
>>? ? <CAJszmiAERmQJTi80xFEAUamfru3=iMgKBG17kAT8CT4LxurDmQ at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Bonjour Brice!
>> Tout ce dont tu as parl? anime notre quotidien ici! et soyez rassurer
>> qu'on
>> est pas d?courager on va continuer par les sensibiliser jusqu'? ce qu'ils
>> comprennent les enjeux ! dans mon entreprise particuli?rement j'ai fais
>> assez d'effort mais les d?cideurs sont loin d'adh?rer. C'est pourquoi? il
>> sera trop important qu'on insert ?galement le module IPV6 for Manager
>> cette
>> ann?e dans le programme de formation AFRINIC. Ce qui est sur on va
>> postuler
>> avec l'ADETIC pour l?h?bergement de la session au Tchad cette ann?e!
>> Ing?nieur R?seaux T?l?coms
>> Cellule Fibre Optique (SOTEL-TCHAD)
>> Ligne Direct: (00235) 66273348 ou 77306979
>> Ligne secourt: (00235) 62306979 ou 92306979
>> E-mail.S: tidjanicapi at hotmail.fr
>> Le 19 janvier 2016 ? 10:11, Brice ABBA <brice at afrinic.net> a ?crit :
>>> Salut, TIDJANI,
>>>> Brice St?phane et les autres, nous avons tous faits de notre mieux ?
>>>> travers plusieurs actions pour que la migration de l'Ipv6 soit
>>>> effective dans nos ?tats, mais h?las cela traine encore.
>>> Si les politiques trainent c'est parce qu'ils n'ont pas encore ete
>>> convaincu de l?int?r?t de miger a IPv6, c'est donc avous de redoubler
>>> d?effort, faites des s?minaires, d'information et mettez l\accent sur le
>>> fait que l''Afrique est demandeuse de contenu alors que le contenu se
>>> trouve jors d'Afrique et labas on parle deja IPv6, il faut donc que nous
>>> parlions IPv6 aussi sinon nous aurons plus acc?s a ce contenu
>>> internet...
>>> Il ya plusieurs exemples concret de ce type qui peuvent les aider a
>>> changer leur mentalit? et surtout ne pas baisser les bras parce que
>>> c'est la communaut? technique qui doit faire bouger les choses, monter
>>> leur que IPv6 marche, utiliser les tunnel brocker etc... Il faut que
>>> vous fassiez deja le premier pas avec des labs IPv6 invitez es a venir
>>> voir...
>>> Rien ne t;empeche deja dans ton entreprise a Utiliser IPv6
>>> --
>>> Mr Brice B. ABBA
>>> Trainer, AFRINIC - brice at afrinic.net - +22508607228 - skype: brice.abba
>>> t: +230 403 51 00 | f: +230 466 6758 | tt: @afrinic | w:www.afrinic.net
>>> facebook.com/afrinic | flickr.com/afrinic | youtube.com/afrinicmedia
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Join us or the Africa Internet Summit (AIS?16) in Gaborone, Botswana, 29
>>> May to 10 June 2016
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> AfrIPv6-Discuss mailing list
>>> AfrIPv6-Discuss at afrinic.net
>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/afripv6-discuss
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