[afripv6-discuss] The African IPv6 Task Force

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Sun Jan 29 16:31:17 SAST 2012

On Sunday, January 29, 2012 10:08:09 PM Hisham Ibrahim 

> That is a very good point that was discussed at length,
> we finally divided that task among 2 of the Focus Groups
> 1) Transit and Peering FG
> Due to the fact that the major ISPs and Transit providers
> to take part of this FG and hopefully come up with a
> common stand and use that as leverage 2) Security and
> applications FG

> Due to the fact that it will have people from the
> research and academic fields

> Also a very valid point that will be dealt with through
> the Transit and Peering FG


This isn't immediately obvious, as the names of both groups 
and their mandates do not allude to any work being done on 
the CPE or integration side (Transit and Peering would be 
normally associated with some kind of inter-AS connectivity 
at the ISP-to-ISP level).

> This is one of the first and main objects of the TF
> 1) Examine what is out there
> 2) learn and share past experiences and properly document
> that 3) Formulate guidelines and dated roadmaps to a
> rate that we can agree adapt to 4) Go back to 1



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