[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN68 Pre-sessions - ICANN 68 participant guide

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Mon Jun 8 13:31:17 UTC 2020

Hello everyone,

Please read more in the “ICANN68 participant guide from https://68.schedule.icann.org/participation-tools
or ” at https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/content=t:attachment,f:%22ICANN68%20Participation%20Guide.pdf%22/yXPPqJj8RsAlsT8RKzPT (especially) regarding interpretation.

Note: Your “mobile phone + the Apps” is like the headset in a face to face meeting ( if you are in a F2F session and did not pick up a headset, when someone takes the floor and speaks in an non-English language, you will not be able to understand or hear the interpretation)

You can still join the session of this evening at https://68.schedule.icann.org/meetings/YYATMdSEk4S52jYui#/?limit=10&sortByFields[0]=isPinned&sortByFields[1]=lastActivityAt&sortByOrders[0]=-1&sortByOrders[1]=-1<https://68.schedule.icann.org/meetings/YYATMdSEk4S52jYui#/?limit=10&sortByFields%5B0%5D=isPinned&sortByFields%5B1%5D=lastActivityAt&sortByOrders%5B0%5D=-1&sortByOrders%5B1%5D=-1>


Yaovi Atohoun
Stakeholder Engagement and Operations Manager- Africa; ICANN

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