[AfrICANN-discuss] Africa Top Level Domains Organization 2019 Annual Report

Alan Levin alan at futureperfect.co.za
Fri Aug 21 11:16:10 UTC 2020


On Sat, Aug 8, 2020 at 11:24 AM Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at gmail.com> wrote:

> Knowing the uptake of Ng in Nigeria(though still very far from desired

> number) I quickly checked locally and found that it seem the stats on isc

> may be grossly inaccurate. See the stats for .ng at:


Thanks for this. :) it is interesting and I note that this does support the
numbers in the ISC survey,
And I really don't think ng is the best example but since you seems to
dispute the survey completely:

I believe there are over 1100000 .za registrations amongst population of 60


> https://www.nira.org.ng/nira-media/news-update/589-ng-domain-name-report-june-2020


This shows less than 13000 .ng (just over 1% of .za)
but more than triple the population and a larger economy / GDP...

> Most likely the flaw will be applicable to other countries as well.


I am uncertain of the flaw? The survey measures hosts which imho shows the
health of the tld even better than the number of registrations.

I am not pointing fingers at any one cctld in Africa, I am only asking how
it can be helped, and does the flossy Aftld brochure note anything about
these huge discrepancies?


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