[AfrICANN-discuss] Call for proposal: Test Plan and Pilot Study of Universal Acceptance in Content Management Systems, 2020

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Mon Aug 10 05:48:45 UTC 2020

Dear All

The Universal Acceptance (UA) Steering Group (UASG) through its measurement working group (WG) is inviting qualified contractors to apply for the statement of work (SOW) for the test plan and pilot study of UA in the content management systems and website builders.

The SOW document is available at https://community.icann.org/display/TUA/UA+Statements+of+Work

The proposal should be submitted to UAProgram at icann.org<mailto:UAProgram at icann.org> before 23:00 UTC on 24th August 2020.

Thank you

Yaovi Atohoun
Stakeholder Engagement and Operations Manager- Africa; ICANN

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