[AfrICANN-discuss] Africa Top Level Domains Organization

Willy Manga mangawilly at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 13:02:50 UTC 2020


On 08/08/2020 15:16, africann-request at afrinic.net wrote:

> [...]

> Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2020 13:16:04 +0200

> From: Mark Elkins <mje at posix.co.za>>

> I'm very curious what the stats are actually measuring...

Here's an explanation https://www.isc.org/survey-faq/ .

[...] Despite its name, the ISC Domain Survey is not a survey of
domains; it is a survey of IPv4 addresses that have a domain name
attached to them. The name “Domain Survey” derives from an early
algorithm used to locate addresses in use."

and a more detailed one https://www.isc.org/survey-about/

Willy Manga

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