[AfrICANN-discuss] TR: IGF Website Translation Community Project Launch

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 19 10:16:13 UTC 2018

De : UNOG-IGF <igf at un.org>

Envoyé : mardi 18 septembre 2018 13:46
À : IGF Maglist
Objet : [IGFmaglist] IGF Website Translation Community Project Launch

Dear MAG Members and IGF Community,

As it was announced in previous MAG Virtual Calls, the IGF Secretariat has launched a collaborative project on translating the content of the IGF website to six official UN languages. MAG Members and community have a key role in this project in accepting valid translations.

Some of you have already shown interest in participating and that is very much appreciated. Hands are always welcomed in this group effort, and we encourage everyone being able to join.

A quick guide on how to collaborate has been published at http://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/filedepot_download/3349/1335. If you can and wish to join this community project, please let us know.

Your help is highly appreciated, and you will see the translations you approve up in the UN website!

Thank you very much and best regards,
IGF Secretariat.

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