[AfrICANN-discuss] AFRICA Domain Name System Forum 2019 call for local hosts

Batlhalefi Tutwane joytutwane at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 15:09:25 UTC 2018

Hi Otieno

I am from Botswana. What dates are you looking at?



On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 5:12 PM Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com>

> *Dear Listers,*
> The Africa Domain Name System Forum organizing committee is seeking host
> organizations, for the 2019 Africa Domain Name System forum meetings.
> The hosts have three principal functions.
> 1) Provide local facilities for the Conferences
> 2) Provide a local contact point or a representative
> 3) Arrange logistics and maintain the registration desk.
> 4) Facilitate visa formalities for the participants
> Please note that the hosts are not responsible for the Program or for the
> Registration Process.
> *Further information:*
> The location:
> The location must have good international travel connections, which are
> attractive. Since most participants are self-funded.
> *Local organization:*
> This involves finding a suitable location,  local hotels, receptions and
> sponsorship, high profile local speakers, touristic possibilities and other
> allied services/facilities. The local organizers automatically become
> members of the Conference Committee but they are NOT responsible for the
> major tasks of the Program Commitee or for registration.
> *A. Connectivity*
> 1.      Provide Wifi connectivity for up-to 200 participants - at least
> 150 Mbps
> 2.      Provide  separate connectivity for Live Streaming equipment - at
> least 10 Mbps
> *B. Power outlets *
> 1.      Provide conference technical equipment (multi-plug extension
> cables, etc) for all attendees (upto 200)
> 2.      Provide a power outlet at the center isle for the Live Streaming
> equipment (near the very front row)
> 3.      Provide power outlets at the podium for the panelists
> *C. Translation*
> 1.      Provide simultaneous interpretation  services for upto 200
> participants for English and French
> *D. Audio Visual*
> 1.      Provide at least 2 projectors and 2 projector screens on opposite
> sides of the podium. These need to be clearly visible from all sides of the
> room.
> 2.      Provide an adequate sound system for the room to allow clear
> sound for all participants in the room
> 3.      Provide at least 3 microphones on the center isle to be used by
> participants
> 4.      Provide sound output from the floor sound to be connected to the
> live streaming equipment
> 5.      Provide at least 6 microphones for the podium panelists
> 6.      Provide two screens for panelists to follow proceedings from the
> podium
> 7.      Kramer presentation scalar model.
> *E. Room Setup*
> 1.      Provide classroom seating with tables for at least 150 people
> 2.      Provide writing materials for the participants at the venue
> 3.      Provide a podium for panelists with seating for at least 6
> panelists. The podium should allow space for a backdrop banner to be
> installed at a central location to be seen behind the podium panelists.
> Interested organizations should submit their expressions of interest on or
> before 30 December 2018  to the Secretariat , Africa Domain Name system
> forum via secretariat at aftld.org
> --
> Barrack O. Otieno
> +254721325277
> Skype: barrack.otieno
> PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
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