[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces Selections - unfortunate Africa distribution

TCHOMI tchomi2002 at yahoo.fr
Sun Sep 4 09:48:26 UTC 2016

We are in a phase that recommends a maturity analysis for a good perspective of ICANN. Why mention the nationality only now? It is wiser to join the party and make arrangements for the future.

Furthermore, we must carefully ensure that those who represent us defend our cause.

Congratulations once again to our two representatives.

En date de : Sam 3.9.16, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el at lisse.na> a écrit :

 Objet: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces	Selections - unfortunate Africa distribution
 À: "AfrICANN Community List" <africann at afrinic.net>
 Date: Samedi 3 septembre 2016, 19h43
 African Cause"? What would that be?
 Cherine Chalaby, was re-elected if I
 am not mistaken, and he's British anyway.
 -- Sent from Dr Lisse's iPad
 mini 4
 On 3 Sep 2016,
 at 17:19, Noah <noah at neo.co.tz>
 As long us they serve the African cause
 globally, I dont see a problem.
 If they end up being incopitent to our
 disavantage us a continent, we shall deal with the
 disappointment then.
 For now, I congraculate the 2 candidates and I
 hope they serve us well.
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