[AfrICANN-discuss] bad ICANN nomcom diversity - Re: ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces Selections - unfortunate Africa distribution

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.na
Fri Sep 2 10:50:31 UTC 2016

Diversity != Skin Colour


Sent from Dr Lisse's iPad mini 4

> On 2 Sep 2016, at 11:39, SM <sm at resistor.net> wrote:
> Hi Paulos,
> At 01:20 02-09-2016, Dr Paulos B Nyirenda wrote:
>> I have been trying to work out and understand whether the ICANN NomCom could have done better than this in this selection and I find that there could be an inherent problem with diversity considerations within the ICANN NomCom
>> They say that a picture says more than a thousand words, so, take a look at the 2016 ICANN NomCom and assess this ICANN asset for your serves:
>> https://www.icann.org/sites/default/files/assets/nomcom2016-members-1200x800-12nov15-en.jpg .
>> This is the group photo available at: https://www.icann.org/nomcom2016
>> Is it diverse enough ?
> I compared the image with the ones at http://www.internetsociety.org/who-we-are/board-trustees  They are similar in diversity.
>> It is then pertinet to ask if this kind of diversity in ICANN NomCom could have led to the unfortunate selection of Board members in the recent NomCom announcement. I tend to think so, question is, can they see beyond their noses ?
> That is a good question.  According to https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/afralo the AFRALO Leadership is supposed to reach out to internet users on the issues in the scope of ICANN.  A few minutes ago, I found out that Barrack Otieno is part of AFRALO.  I would like to thank him as he is the only person who is part of AFRALO who participated in this discussion.  I'll also thank Mike Silber as he is the only ICANN Board member who participated in the discussion.
>> My understanding is that for these things to get this bad at this level, something in the oversight function in ICANN is missing or has gone wrong and it should really not be happening in 2016 when we are all very conscious of the IANA Transition.
> The persons representing Africa (excluding the persons I mentioned above) do not seem to consider that the issue which you raised as something to be concerned about.
> Regards,
> -sm 
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