[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces Selections - unfortunate Africa d

Barrack Otieno otieno.barrack at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 05:44:50 UTC 2016

Hi SM,

Noted with thanks, click on the hot link (in red) you will be able to
download it. The ICANN Bylaws were recently reviewed in light of the
IANA transition, the revisions were aimed at empowering stakeholders.
We might not be at the level of the ICANN Nomcom but we make
deliberate efforts to ensure we are balanced as a regional body, i
beleive this is the case in ICANN as well as AFRINIC. That said there
are many dynamics at play that make it difficult to sustain regional
balance. Most of this positions take into consideration the effort
made by the applicants in contributing to the overall vision or
mission of the organization, i think this needs to be highlighted
since NOMCOMs are likely to give priority to applicants who are
qualified and have invested in the process or organization over a
period of time as opposed to those who are qualified but have little
or no interest in the organization. One of my spiritual teachers used
to tell me that involvement is key to your call and destiny, i think
encouraging as many people to be involved as we have done in the
recent past is key to resolving this challenge. We cannot legislate it
or resolve it using bylaws.


On 9/1/16, SM <sm at resistor.net> wrote:
> Hi Barrack,
> At 22:04 31-08-2016, Barrack Otieno wrote:
>>For your Information the AfTLD Constitution is available on the
>>website http://www.aftld.org/about/?pg=233057. If i may ask how does
>>it relate with the discussion at hand?
> I tried the above link and I see "The AfTLD Constitution" and a blank
> space below.  I was trying to compare the ICANN bylaws with one from
> an institution in the region.  Is there a better reference for the region?
> Regards,
> -sm

Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
PGP ID: 0x2611D86A

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