[AfrICANN-discuss] Come and join us! IGF 2016 Seed Alliance / awards ceremony & workshops -Mexico

Olévié Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 19:50:13 UTC 2016

Dear Vymala.
Thank you for your kind invitation. It's noted.
Glad to meet you again in Guadalajara.
Le 30 nov. 2016 07:03, "Vymala" <vymala at afrinic.net> a écrit :

> Dear all,
> We are pleased to invite you to the Seed Alliance award ceremony that will
> take place on 6 December, Workshop Room 1, 1:00 pm  to 3:00 pm (Mexican
> time), at PALCCO, Guadalajara, Mexico.
> Share the word! Innovation that changes lives is worth celebrating! You
> can add the awards ceremony to your Sched calendar  http://sched.co/8hse.
> The Seed Alliance has a booth at the IGF village. Please come by and visit
> us to learn more and get to meet the award winners from all 3 regional
> programs!
> The Seed Alliance members are also organizing the following workshops. You
> can add them to your calendars on the links below:
> WS26: Cybersecurity - Initiatives in and by the Global South
> Tuesday, December 6 • 09:00 - 10:30
> http://sched.co/8hsi
> WS212: Promoting Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the Global South
> Friday, December 9 • 09:00 - 10:30
> http://sched.co/8hvE
> WS82: Networks & solutions to achieve SDGs agenda-Internet at play
> Friday, December 9 • 12:00 - 13:30
> http://sched.co/8hvD
> If you are not attending the IGF, you can follow the workshops as well as
> the awards ceremony through the remote participation channels http://www.
> intgovforum.org/multilingual/
> The Fund for Internet Research and Education (FIRE Africa) allocated 9
> grants and 4 awards during the 2016 funding cycle, with over US$450K in
> funding to deserving initiatives which use the Internet and ICTs so solve
> challenges within their communities. Since 2011, we have celebrated the
> award winners at the IGF and we will be honored to have you and your
> colleagues join us to celebrate the contributions that innovative
> Internet-based solutions have made to their communities across the global
> south.
> The Seed Alliance is a collaboration between FIRE, FRIDA and ISIF Asia
> regional grants and awards programs, who together support Internet
> development across the global south. This collaboration is possible thanks
> to the generous support from the program partners— the International
> Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada, the Internet Society and the
> contributions from three Regional Internet Registry partners (AFRINIC,
> APNIC and LACNIC) as well as many generous regional sponsors.
> If you need any information, you can contact us through
> fireafrica at afrinic.net
> Join us for the #AFRINIC25 meeting in Mauritius https://meeting.
> afrinic.net/afrinic-25/
> Sincerely
> ______________________
> Vymala Poligadu-Thuron
> Head of External Relations, AFRINIC Ltd.
> t: +230 403 51 28 | f: +230 466 6758 <+230%20466%206758> |
> Skype: vymala.thuron
> tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net
> SM: facebook.com/afrinic | flickr.com/afrinic | youtube.com/afrinicmedia
> _______________________
> *Join us for the AFRINIC-25 meeting in Mauritius, 25 to 30 November 2016 *
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