[AfrICANN-discuss] Africa On the road to Marrakesh 2016 / L'Afrique en route pour Marakech 2016

Dandjinou Pierre pdandjinou at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 22:58:32 UTC 2015

(French below..En francais ci dessous)

You are kindly invited to the special session on " Africa on the road to
Marrakesh," scheduled for today, 10.30 SGP time, room VIP Lounge (

Also, be aware that a  few questions posed during yesterday's session will
also be further addressed and South Africa will be proposing a quick
briefing on 'How the .ZA Registry has managed to reach the landmark of 1
Million registrations a few weeks ago!

A tous!

Vous etes cordialement invites a la session relative a "L'Afrique en route
pour Marrakech 2016" prevue aujourd'hui a partir de 10h30 (heure locale de
Singapour), salle VIP (
Aussi, quelques questions posees durant la session d'hier recevront des
reponses complementaires; L'Afrique du Sud se propose egalement de faire
une breve presentation (5mn) sur 'Comment le registre .ZA a reussi a
franchir la barre du Million d'enregistrements il y a quelques semaines..


Pierre Dandjinou
Cotonou - 229 90 087784 / 66566610
Dakar 221 77 639 30 41
skype : sagbo1953
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