[AfrICANN-discuss] My Transition from ICANN CEO

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 19:32:05 UTC 2015

Fyi to those interested in Fadi's transition from ICANN.

As we move forward on both the IANAtransition and my personal transition
fromICANN CEO, I would like to let you know that after completing my
service at ICANN, I will be engaged in a portfolio of activities. At the
center of these, I will be a Senior Advisor on Digital Strategy for ABRY
Partners, a Boston-based private equity investment firm. In this role, I
will provide guidance to ABRY's partners and their companies' leaders on
digital strategy. I expect to add other roles to my portfolio and will
update you all as appropriate.



Sent from my Asus Zenfone2
Kindly excuse brevity and typos.
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