[AfrICANN-discuss] Central African Republic to block roaming services?

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito ekenyanito at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 17:02:21 SAST 2014

​Hello all,

A contact of ours at Orange relayed the message below, about further
requests from
Central African Republic to block roaming services.

Please let any partners in the region know about this.

Also please incase one has more information on the situation or can access
partners from Central African Republic it would be awesome to let me or my
colleague Peter Micek know through peter at accessnow.org or
ephraim at accessnow.org


Best Regards,
*Ephraim Percy Kenyanito*
Website: http://about.me/ekenyanito
Tel: (+254)-786-19-19-30 / (+254)-751-804-120
Skype: ekenyanito


---------- Forwarded message ----------


A quick message to let you that after SMS shut down, the government of RCA
is asking operators to suppress roaming, which is an international
facility. Our local CEO is still wondering how to apply this demand.

You can relay this info



*Yves Nissim*

78, rue Olivier de Serres 75015 - Paris

Tel: +33 1 44 44 99 35   Mob: +33 6 89 09 80 61

*yves.nissim at orange.com* <yves.nissim at orange-ftgroup.com>

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