[AfrICANN-discuss] Monthly statistics for mailing-list: africann@afrinic.net

list-admin at afrinic.net list-admin at afrinic.net
Fri Aug 1 05:12:40 SAST 2014

Monthly statistics for mailing-list: africann at afrinic.net
(Generated at: Fri Aug  1 03:12:00 UTC 2014)

Statistics for month: July 2014
***** Authors with the most number of messages posted:
|  1 | alfamamadou at hotmail.com                      |   33 | 22.45 % |
|  2 | seun.ojedeji at gmail.com                       |   14 |  9.52 % |
|  3 | ymshana2003 at gmail.com                        |   12 |  8.16 % |
|  4 | vymala at afrinic.net                           |   10 |  6.80 % |
|  5 | yaovi.atohoun at icann.org                      |    7 |  4.76 % |
|  6 | fahd.batayneh at icann.org                      |    5 |  3.40 % |
|  7 | arsenebaguma at gmail.com                       |    4 |  2.72 % |
|  8 | Kivuva at transworldafrica.com                  |    4 |  2.72 % |
|  9 | ashil at afrinic.net                            |    3 |  2.04 % |
| 10 | oboheromon at gmail.com                         |    3 |  2.04 % |
| 11 | olivierkouami at gmail.com                      |    3 |  2.04 % |
| 12 | omondibob at gmail.com                          |    3 |  2.04 % |
| 13 | bekele at isoc.org                              |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 14 | hostmaster at africa-internet.cu.cc             |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 15 | wilfried.menghe at aninf.ga                     |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 16 | patricia at afrinic.net                         |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 17 | brice at afrinic.net                            |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 18 | ndonnang at nvconsulting.biz                    |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 19 | gaelle.fall at afrinic.net                      |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 20 | el at lisse.na                                  |    2 |  1.36 % |
|    | other                                        |   30 | 20.41 % |

***** Authors with the largest total size of messages posted:
|  1 | omondibob at gmail.com                                  | 7464.5 |
|  2 | alfamamadou at hotmail.com                              |  261.1 |
|  3 | vymala at afrinic.net                                   |  205.6 |
|  4 | seun.ojedeji at gmail.com                               |  148.4 |
|  5 | wilfried.menghe at aninf.ga                             |  135.3 |
|  6 | pdandjinou at gmail.com                                 |  125.0 |
|  7 | fahd.batayneh at icann.org                              |  118.5 |
|  8 | ymshana2003 at gmail.com                                |  112.6 |
|  9 | yaovi.atohoun at icann.org                              |   88.7 |
| 10 | hailu at isoc.org                                       |   86.6 |
| 11 | patricia at afrinic.net                                 |   80.7 |
| 12 | hostmaster at africa-internet.cu.cc                     |   50.7 |
| 13 | Kivuva at transworldafrica.com                          |   48.6 |
| 14 | bekele at isoc.org                                      |   43.5 |
| 15 | ndonnang at isoc-cameroon.org                           |   39.8 |
| 16 | ndonnang at nvconsulting.biz                            |   36.9 |
| 17 | hafedhyahmadi at hotmail.com                            |   33.3 |
| 18 | Glen at icann.org                                       |   28.4 |
| 19 | arsenebaguma at gmail.com                               |   27.6 |
| 20 | tchomi2002 at yahoo.fr                                  |   23.1 |

***** Authors with the largest average size of messages posted:
|  1 | omondibob at gmail.com                                   |2547873 |
|  2 | pdandjinou at gmail.com                                  |128042 |
|  3 | hailu at isoc.org                                        | 88688 |
|  4 | wilfried.menghe at aninf.ga                              | 69292 |
|  5 | patricia at afrinic.net                                  | 41304 |
|  6 | hostmaster at africa-internet.cu.cc                      | 25945 |
|  7 | fahd.batayneh at icann.org                               | 24261 |
|  8 | tchomi2002 at yahoo.fr                                   | 23656 |
|  9 | bekele at isoc.org                                       | 22260 |
| 10 | tijani.benjemaa at planet.tn                             | 21269 |
| 11 | vymala at afrinic.net                                    | 21048 |
| 12 | ndonnang at isoc-cameroon.org                            | 20367 |
| 13 | quaynor at ghana.com                                     | 20227 |
| 14 | ndonnang at nvconsulting.biz                             | 18892 |
| 15 | kayusyussuf at yahoo.com                                 | 17814 |
| 16 | hafedhyahmadi at hotmail.com                             | 17041 |
| 17 | cmomanyi at strathmore.edu                               | 16178 |
| 18 | Glen at icann.org                                        | 14528 |
| 19 | berangillen at yahoo.com                                 | 14206 |
| 20 | yaovi.atohoun at icann.org                               | 12976 |

***** Top subjects by popularity:
|  1 | [AfrICANN-discuss] "Vint Cerf on ICANN and N |   32 | 21.77 % |
|  2 | [AfrICANN-discuss] 14 boursiers pour ICANN 5 |    5 |  3.40 % |
|  3 | [AfrICANN-discuss] 14 boursiers pour ICANN 5 |    5 |  3.40 % |
|  4 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Registration is still ope |    4 |  2.72 % |
|  5 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Highlights from ICANN 50/ |    3 |  2.04 % |
|  6 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Africa IGF - Abuja Nigeri |    3 |  2.04 % |
|  7 | [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN workshop during AFI |    3 |  2.04 % |
|  8 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Lerato where rare you?    |    3 |  2.04 % |
|  9 | [AfrICANN-discuss] "Africa and  ICANN "      |    3 |  2.04 % |
| 10 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Registration Open for AFR |    3 |  2.04 % |
| 11 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Revue web du 09 Juillet 2 |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 12 | [AfrICANN-discuss] [AfIGF 2014] - Pre confer |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 13 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Africa Internet Governanc |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 14 | [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: ** Applications Open  |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 15 | [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: Applications Open for |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 16 | [AfrICANN-discuss] AGENDA IANA transition Co |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 17 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Successful Conclusion of  |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 18 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Web review July 23, 2014  |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 19 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Registration is still ope |    2 |  1.36 % |
| 20 | [AfrICANN-discuss] Revue web du 28 Juillet 2 |    2 |  1.36 % |
|    | other                                        |   63 | 42.86 % |

***** Graph showing number of messages written during hours of day:

100% -------------------------------#----------------- - 23
 90% -------------------------------#----------------- msgs
 80% -------------------------------#-----------------
 70% -------------------------------#-----------------
 60% -----------------------#-------#-#---------------
 50% -----------------------#-#-----#-#---------------
 40% -----------------------#-#-----#-#---------#-----
 30% -----------------#-#---#-#-----#-#-#-------#-----
 20% -----------------#-#---#-#-#-#-#-#-#---#-#-#-----
 10% -----------------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
hour  0         5           11          17          23

***** Graph showing number of messages written during days of month:

100% -------------------------------------------------------#------- - 23
 90% -------------------------------------------------------#------- msgs
 80% -------------------------------------------------------#-------
 70% -------------------------------------------------------#-------
 60% -------------------------------------------------------#-------
 50% -----------------------------------------------------#-#-------
 40% -----------------#-------------------------------#---#-#-------
 30% -----------------#---------#---#-----------------#---#-#-------
 20% -------#---------#-#-------#---#---#-------#-----#---#-#-------
 10% -#-#-#-#---------#-#-------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-----#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
 day  1         6           12          18          24            31

***** Graph showing number of messages written during days of week:

100% -#--------------------------- - 36
 90% -#--------------------------- msgs
 80% -#---------------------------
 70% -#-------#-------------------
 60% -#-------#-------#-----------
 50% -#-------#---#---#-----------
 40% -#---#---#---#---#-------#---
 30% -#---#---#---#---#-------#---
 20% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
 10% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   
     Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

***** Longest message:
      Author     : omondibob at gmail.com
      Subject    : [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN EMEA Newsletter
      Date       : Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:35:18 +0300
      Size       : 7636278 bytes

***** Most popular subject:
      Subject    : [AfrICANN-discuss] "Vint Cerf on ICANN and NTIA"
      No. of msgs: 32
      Total size : 692134 bytes

***** Final summary:
      Total number of messages:             147
      Total number of different authors:    47
      Total number of different subjects:   81
      Total size of messages (w/o headers): 10050646 bytes
      Average size of a message:            68371 bytes

Regards, AFRINIC

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