[AfrICANN-discuss] Smart Infrastructure: Transform Africa 2013

Dr Eberhard Lisse el at lisse.NA
Thu Nov 7 16:00:39 SAST 2013

Unless I am mistaken, it shows allocations by number (/32), ie distrution.

It does not, however, show the number of transactions (allocations)
processed (in a given timeframe), ie the actual workload (which is
the same whether you allocate a /24 or a /1).

That would be QI, wouldn't it?


on 2013-11-07 15:28 McTim said the following:
> Hi Ben,
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Ben Fuller <abutiben at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Afrinic deals with IP addresses and they have been very active in
>> getting Africa ready for IPV6.  They have a very large staff, so
>> maybe they can get some statistics out on how many IP numbers are
>> distributed, where, etc.
> They actually have the smallest staff of any RIR, but they do have
> data available on IP address distribution.  These presentations
> are given at every meeting.  Data can be found on
> http://afrinic.net/en/services/statistics

Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
el at lisse.NA            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421             \     /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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