[AfrICANN-discuss] ASWG outputs : Clarifications

Dr Yassin Mshana ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 02:08:26 SAST 2012

Thank you Yaovi for this.

I mentioned about doing 'home work' before lashing forward with wonderful
ideas. Please take a look at the URL below - the Title itself tells alot.

GOALS". Issue no 209. *Kenya* recently held a national *ICT* convention
aimed at *...*

I still want to hear Why the Rush to Toronto with half-cooked stuff?

Will it not be embarrassing when situation similar to one the above happens
at a global meeting?

Kind regards


On 14 September 2012 20:19, Yaovi Atohoun <yaovito at yahoo.fr> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I can see from the provided link
> http://www.afrinic.net/en/community/icann-aswg that there is a lot to
> read.
> My opinion is that not too much can be done in a face to face meeting in
> Toronto. Through the list many african  have access to the documents and
> can contribute.  Let us share the link as we can.
> Please help us to concentrate and bring our diverse opinions
> Thank you
> Yaovi  ATOHOUN
>   ------------------------------
> *De :* Dandjinou Pierre <pdandjinou at gmail.com>
> *À :* africann at afrinic.net
> *Envoyé le :* Vendredi 14 septembre 2012 9h26
> *Objet :* [AfrICANN-discuss] ASWG outputs : Clarifications
> Dear All,
> As you are taking time to go through the documents that were posted by
> the ASWG, I think these clarifications are in order, to contextualize
> what we seek to achieve as Africans participants to ICANN
> 1- The Africa Strategy document was a request by the incoming CEO, who
> wanted to have a special strategy for Africa;
> 2- As per the timeline that has been posted, Africans should deliver
> the outlines of the strategy by October and then ICANN will take it
> from there to develop the Africa strategy
> 3-The ICANN Africa strategy has nothing to do with our
> national/regional ICT strategies which a few of us have been helping
> African countries develop these last years
> 4-Thus, your inputs are important for the outlines to be delivered to
> ICANN in the specified timeline (end of September/early October)
> 5-Finally, this is not the end of it , as sessions have been planned
> to futher discuss the strategy in Totonto, .and also online.
> So, what is requested NOW is that we go through the posted documents,
> concentrate on the strategic Objectives, propose your owm priority
> list and provide further comments and recommendations if any, to help
> cover all Africans' needs in the ICANN Africa Strategy for coming
> three years..
> I hope this clarifies..
> Regards
> Pierre
> --
> Pierre Dandjinou
> Cotonou - 229 90 087784 / 66566610
> Dakar 221 77 639 30 41
> www.scg.bj
> skype : sagbo1953
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*Independent Consultant*
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