[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: grassroots advocacy campaign

khaled koubaa khaled.koubaa at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 23:09:25 SAST 2012

Dear All,


** **

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will host its treaty
conference the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT)
from 3 to 14 DEC 2012 in Dubai, and some governments want to use this a
vehicle to impose harmful regulations on the Internet.

I thought you might be interested in a campaign that Fight for the
, Access <https://www.accessnow.org/>, OpenMedia <http://openmedia.ca/>,
and other civil society groups are starting to help give a voice to
Internet users.  If you're interested in joining this effort, please reach
out to Holmes Wilson (hwilson at gmail.com) and Steve Anderson (
steve at openmedia.ca).

They're going to launch a site and invite organizations and individual to
sign a statement expressing their concern. The site will be public in the
coming weeks, but they are hoping to get as many interested groups on board
before launch, so that this has as much impact around the globe as possible.

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