[AfrICANN-discuss] Open Source "your opinion"

Adamou Nacer adamou.nacer at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 10:53:34 SAST 2012

Hello Bope,
Before answering, I will try to look at the motivation behind "open 
source". Open source is ideal when:
- we need to share the risks on a project
- we need to share the cost of a project
- we need to accelerate feedback from customers and stakeholders

These three motivations are implicitely based on the need of a community 
sustaining the open source project. And if we think community, we think 
collaboration, interaction. In the area of software, every successful 
open source project I know is successful because of a strong community 
behind it.
So if we talk about community, we need a media by which that community 
will collaborate: Internet. Internet allows us to build a world wide 
community. Internet allow that community to work together.

An excellent illustration of this is Linux operating system. Eric S 
Raymonds' "cathedral and the bazaar" article is a good reading on this.


Le 08/10/2012 08:28, Bope Domilongo Christian a écrit :
> Dear All ,
> Would you please provide to me your point of view on this :
> "Open Source is possible because of the the Internet and is simply the 
> way of the future".
> "Proprietorial Software is a thing of the Past"
> if you can provide with some example.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Christian Bope Domilongo
> Gtalk : christianbope at gmail.com <mailto:christianbope at gmail.com>
> Msn : christianbope at hotmail.com <mailto:christianbope at hotmail.com>
> Skype : christian.bope
> Phone : +243993005258
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