[AfrICANN-discuss] Web review June 20, 2012

Maina Noah mainanoa at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 21:06:22 SAST 2012

On 20 June 2012 20:47, SM <sm at resistor.net> wrote:

> At 08:49 20-06-2012, Mamadou LO wrote:
>> Proposed New IETF Standard Would Create a Nationally Partitioned
>> "Internet"
>> http://www.circleid.com/posts/**20120619_proposed_ietf_**
>> standard_creates_nationally_**partitioned_internet/<http://www.circleid.com/posts/20120619_proposed_ietf_standard_creates_nationally_partitioned_internet/>
> That article isn't well-written.  Anyone can propose an idea.  That
> doesn't mean that it is a proposed standard or that it represents the views
> of some country.
And i am not surprised the AIP is proposed by folks from .cn '-) ... Well
.cn have done a good job controlling their own....but decentralizing the
DNS system to that level does not ring a bell to me personally...

The idea seems more layer9 driven....i mean each sovereign controlling its
own root-servers???????

> -sm

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