[AfrICANN-discuss] Questionnaires on Icann's Africa Strategic plan

Dr Yassin Mshana ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 00:23:07 SAST 2012

My dear Brothers and Sisters,(can some one translate this liberally to
other languages please? - I could have written in Swahili..)

I am pleased to receive the solicitation for input to the Africa Strategic
Plan. To me it is well over due - we have had NEPAD etc for this and that
in the past.

All in all, will all good intentions this is a positive move - I do not
means that previous initiatives have failed but there seems to be a
duplication in this initiative - ICANN had established Regional Focal
Office at Policy level - is that history now?

My problem comes to this:

*>"The Working Group on Icann's strategy for Africa, which was established
in Prague at ICANN 44 ....", <*

How was the Working Group constituted? and how did the idea come up? To say
the less,  Not all Africans were at ICANN 44 meeting - I am sure I was not
there - it seems that the culture of' self-selection' has become a norm or
has overcome us Africans? At lease there should have been a 'Selection
Procedure'  for the Working Group - it is not a matter of Africans was
there in Prague who constitute all African voice or does it? I object to
this if I may...

It is good to read that the WG....

*"... is administering the attached questionnaire as an additional meAs you
probably know, the Working Group is expected to deliver its preliminary
findings and report outlines prior to ICANN 45 in Toronto"*

This sounds very good for a 'nominated Working Group'  but here comes a
point where the issue of selecting become a major concern in terms of

"....* collecting Africans' needs with regards to Icann's specific roles in
Africa, and africa's overall contribution to ICANN."*
* *
We need to have a representative and inclusive process for this procedure -
I could respond to the questionnaire because I accessed it. That does not
mean that all Africans have access to it - the outreach of  Mobile
Telephony is unique in Africa - was this message sent out through that
media? At least I did not receive one - that is why I am raising this

Lastly, it not about what ICANN should do to Africa - it should be what
should Africans to for ICANN since the ICANN we know needs Africa to be
more actively represented!

I wish to stop by asking us to avoid representing Africa without Africans
knowing about it.

In that case, could the Questionnaire be posted widely including mobile
phone messages please?

I mean good for all, and please note that I am a supporter of all positive
initiatives for Africa!!

Kind regards


On 23 July 2012 14:03, Dandjinou Pierre <pdandjinou at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> The Working Group on Icann's strategy for Africa, which was established in
> Prague at ICANN 44 , is administering the attached questionnaire as an
> additional means for collecting Africans' needs with regards to Icann's
> specific roles in Africa, and africa's overall contribution to ICANN.
> As you probably know, the Working Group is expected to deliver its
> preliminary findings and report outlines prior to ICANN 45 in Toronto.
> We would be therefore grateful if you could submit your filled out
> questionnaire by August 5th to ICANN-ASWG at Afrinic.net
> Many thanks in advance for your contributions .
> Warm regards
> Maimouna Diop Diagne
> Palesa Legoze
> Nii Quaynor
> Pierre Dandjinou
> --
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*Do You really NEED TO PRINT THIS?*
 * "The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or*
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