[AfrICANN-discuss] Successful Conclusion of 6Deploy/AfriNIC Training Workshop in Luanda - Angola

Mukom Akong T tamon at afrinic.net
Tue Oct 18 12:00:57 SAST 2011

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Dear colleagues,

AfriNIC successfully concluded a three (3) day training workshop in
Luanda - Angola. The workshop ran from the 11 - 13 October 2011  at the
premises of Cinfotec Via S2, S/N | Talatona.

The technical workshop was preceded by a one day conference on IPv6
which brought together key stakeholders in the IT industry in Angola.
This event was grazed by representatives of the Minister of
Telecommunications and IT, the Secretary of Higher Education, Science
and Technology as well as other key stakeholders.

The workshop was attended by forty two (42) network engineers and
systems administrators drawn from the telecommunications and Internet
service organisations as well as  government agencies and universities.

During the workshop participants learned the following:

[+] Planning for, requesting and managing IP number resources.

[+] The limitations of NAT as a sustainable solution to IPv4 address

[+] Configuration of a basic IPv6 network (host configuration, routing
and transition techniques)

[+] The full course outline is available at the following URLs

      # IPv6: http://www.afrinic.net/training/ipv6training.htm
      # INRM: http://www.afrinic.net/training/inrmtraining.htm

After this workshop, the first IPv6 peering over the local IXP was
established at 6.06pm on Thursday the 13th October.

We wish to extend our appreciation to the AAPSI - Associacao Angolana de
Provedores de Servicos Internet for hosting this workshop and making it
a success. Our appreciation also goes to the instructors - Carlos
Friacas of FCCN in Portugal and Nishal Goburdhan of AfriNIC.


- -- 
- -
Mukom Akong T.
Member Training Manager
www.afrinic.net | p: +230 403 5100   |   f: +230 466 6758
Skype/Twitter: perfexcellent   | LinkedIn: mu.linkedin.com/in/perfexcellent

When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the
hours turns to music.

                                                 - Kahlil Gibran
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