**Personal Attack** [AfrICANN-discuss] DCA expresses commitment
to work with African ccTLDs
Dr Yassin Mshana
ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 00:26:17 SAST 2011
Dear Mark Elkins et al,
It is interesting that the attention was on the "personality" and not
the "principle" ?
It now seems that the long running debate on .africa was due to the
"person" behind DCA. Are we doing the right thing for Africa that way?
Who is to judge how we speak in public - I am shocked by this
unfairness I see in this communication. Who is 100% perfect I wonder.
Does it mean that the main concern here is that a particular person is
speaking to the audience which represent a very small fraction of
Africans who attended ICANN-42?
Does it mean that one had to be in Dakar to see what was being 'observed'
Public appearance should not come into judgement - the habit of
reading speeches is now outdated so we all behave differently when we
tell the truth and from our minds not from a well crafted speech.
I for one considers this as a personal attack in public and not fair
- and professionally not acceptable. I thought we all observe
professional ethics and diplomacy in a mailing list like this?
I thought that this List is not going to be treated like a Chit-Chat
line... or maybe I am wrong?
Please please, let us observe ethics to avoid such self-embarrassing
Thank you again for the 'observations' which I do not think should be
publicly displayed - let us all look at the mirror before we judge
others please...
Kind regards
Yassin Mshana
On 19/11/2011, Mark Elkins <mje at posix.co.za> wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-11-19 at 08:22 +0300, McTim wrote:
>> http://www.africasciencenews.org/en/index.php/technology/45-hitech/217-dca-expresses-commitment-to-work-with-african-cctlds
>> So the strategy seems to be to split ccTLDs as many ccTLDs from AfTLD
>> who are also making a competing bid for .africa. ??
> What a beautifully written piece on DCA. Of course, if the reader was
> present at ICANN-42 and at the preceding ministerial conference, you'd
> possibly have gained a very different impression of the personality.
> As an example, I quote: "DCA had participated in all sessions of the
> African Ministerial Round Table Meeting as an observer which afforded it
> the chance to express its opinions on the agenda of the meeting;"
> Observers observe, they don't go to the microphone and suggest to the
> ministerial representatives that the meeting has no legitimate
> representation (as such has no constitutional grounds to even meet) -
> and other possibly inappropriate statements. Otherwise, why would the
> personality be sternly warned that if she stepped out of line *again*
> (which was actually several minutes of chastising from those managing
> the meeting), she would be *escorted* out of the room. This chastising
> of the personality received a very loud round of applause from the vast
> majority of participants.
> (I'm trying to be polite)
> This was by no means the only public exhibition of her strange behaviour
> she provided - for example at the dotAfrica meeting on the Tuesday
> evening at ICANN-42.
> Anyway - interesting to hear that DCA is now looking at including the
> community - which is what her African competition (AfTLD and ARC) have
> been doing all along.
> If you, the reader, still currently believe that the personality along
> with DCA is the most appropriate vehicle to run ".africa", please have a
> talk to people who saw her in action at ICANN-42.
> --
> . . ___. .__ Posix Systems - (South) Africa
> /| /| / /__ mje at posix.co.za - Mark J Elkins, Cisco CCIE
> / |/ |ARK \_/ /__ LKINS Tel: +27 12 807 0590 Cell: +27 82 601 0496
Skype: yassinmshana1
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