[AfrICANN-discuss] deadline April 04, Board, GNSO, ccNSO, ALAC position at ICANN / Date limite 4 Avril, Poste Board, ccNSO, GNSO, ALAC

Yaovi Atohoun yaovito at yahoo.fr
Sat Mar 26 12:21:04 SAST 2011

Dear all (Francais plus bas),

The deadline for the positions listed in the subject is April 04, 2011.
You can apply at : http://forms.icann.org/nomcom/soi.php
You can suggest a candidate at  
More information and flyers about the positions at http://nomcom.icann.org
In brief:

	* Two (2) members for the Board  ( http://www.icann.org/en/general/board.html) 
of Directors of ICANN
	* Three (3) At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC  ) representatives (one  each 
from the Africa; Asia/Australia/Pacific; and Latin  America/Caribbean regions) 
	* Two (2) members of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization 
(GNSO) http://gnso.icann.org/council/members.html

	* One (1) member of the Council of the Country-Code Names Supporting 
Organization (ccNSO) http://ccnso.icann.org/council-members.htm

Bonjour a tous,

La date limite pour les candidatures aux postes listés dans le sujet est le 04 
Avril 2011.

Vous pouvez soumettre votre candidature   en allant à 
Vous pouvez suggerer un candidat en allant à 
Plus d'information et depliants sur les postes disponible à : 
En bref 

	*  Deux membres poor le Board ( http://www.icann.org/en/general/board.html )  
de l' ICANN
	* Trois membres pour  ALAC (Un pour chacune des regions Africa; 
Asia/Australia/Pacific; and Latin  America/Caribbean regions)     
	*  Deux membres pour le   GNSO ( Council of the Generic Names Supporting 
Organization ) http://gnso.icann.org/council/members.html

	*  Un (1) membre  pour le ccNSO  ( Council of the Country-Code Names Supporting 
Organization ) http://ccnso.icann.org/council-members.htm


Yaovi Atohoun
2010-2011 ICANN NOMCOM member.

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