[AfrICANN-discuss] Leadesship positions at ICANN / Postes de responsabilites au sein de l'ICANN

Yaovi Atohoun yaovito at yahoo.fr
Sun Jan 9 18:20:28 SAST 2011

Dear all (La version française plus bas),

ICANN's Nominating Committee (NomCom) invites Statements of Interest  and 
candidate recommendations from the Internet community for key  leadership 
positions to fulfill ICANN's technical and policy  coordination role. Interested 
individuals are invited to submit a  Statement of Interest to the 2011 NomCom 
for the following positions:
	* Two members of the Board of Directors of ICANN
	* Three At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) representatives (one  each from the 
Africa; Asia/Australia/Pacific; and Latin  America/Caribbean regions)
	* Two members of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization 
	* One member of the Council of the Country-Code Names Supporting Organization 
(ccNSO)Note: It is also possible to suggest someone  for one of the positions.

Applications will be considered in confidence and should be received by 4  April 
2011 for full consideration. Selections will be announced in  early September 
2011. Successful candidates will take up their positions  following ICANN's 
Annual Meeting in October 2011

For more information please visit    http://nomcom.icann.org/

====  FRANCAIS ================================

Le comité de Nomination de l'ICANN (NOMCOM) lance un appel  à la communauté pour 
la soumission  ou la recommandation de candidatures aux  postes de 
responsabilités suivantes au sein de l'ICANN:

	*  Deux membres pour le Conseil d'Administration de l'ICANN
	*  Trois membres pour ALAC  (At Large Advisory Committee; un pour chacunes des 
trois régions  Africa; Asia/Australia/Pacifi et Latin  America/Caribbean )
	*  Deux membres  pour le conseil du GNSO  (GNSO)
	* Un membre pour le conseil du ccNSO (Country-Code Names Supporting 
Organization ) .Note: Il est aussi possible de suggerer des candidatures pour 
ces differents postes.

Les candidatures doivent être reçues au plus tard le 04 Avril 2011. Les 
candidats retenus seront informés  au début du mois de Septembre 2011. Ils 
entreront en fonction à la fin de la réunion de l'ICANN en Octobre 2011.

Plus d'information visiter le site http://nomcom.icann.org/

Yaovi Atohoun
NOMCOM 2011 member

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