[***SPAM***] Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] [***SPAM***] OER@AVU
Dr Yassin Mshana
ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 00:54:26 SAST 2011
Thank you AR for this information.
It is very good to see how Africa is progressing in content generation
- there is a lot of content from Africa to have its own
Encyclopaedia! It is only that most of the content was passed by word
of mouth by the fireside and according to age etc...It is a treasure!
I once stopped and thought, "If Africans did not have the knowledge
and skills to survive, would we be here? We would have perished due to
one or other cause and I would not be writing this now!"
To add more pleasure, Africa had its own Intellectual Property
arrangements - that is why you have clans named after the trade or
service they provided.....I think it is time to share the African
content in African way. I thought about that when I was serving in AVU
as the 1st Site Manager but I was too new (young) to voice my ideas...
Hey! Its time to reload the information about Africa and revisit the History!!
This made me open up - thank you!!!
On 04/02/2011, Anne-Rachel Inné <annerachel at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:00 PM,
> <kodion at gmail.com<http://mc/compose?to=kodion@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am writing to inform you that the African Virtual University (AVU) has
> launched its OER interactive portal http://oer.avu.org/ . The portal named
> *OER at AVU* is available in 3 languages: English, French and Portuguese. The
> portal is expected to host some 219 commissioned AVU courses: mathematics,
> physics, biology, chemistry, teacher education professional courses, and ICT
> in education. More than 100 videos will be available as well. We are still
> uploading the resources.
> We are proud to see Africa contribute to global knowledge and would like to
> thank the African Development Bank who believed in AVU and who funded this
> initiative.
> Please spread the news in your network.
> Best regards,
> ______________________
> .
> Bakary Diallo, Ph.D
> Rector/ Recteur
> African Virtual University/Université Virtuelle Africaine
> Cape Office Park (opp. Yaya Center)
> Ring Road, Kilimani
> PO Box 25405 - 00603
> Nairobi, Kenya.
> Tel : +254 20 2528333
> +254 20 3861458 / +254 20 3861459
> +254 722 205883 / +254 733 624412
> Fax: +254 20 3861460
> Email: bdiallo at avu.org <http://mc/compose?to=bdiallo@avu.org>
> www.avu.org
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Wayne Mackintosh
> [mailto:mackintosh.wayne at gmail.com<http://mc/compose?to=mackintosh.wayne@gmail.com>]
> *Sent:* 02 February 2011 12:40
> *To:*
> oer-forum at lists.esn.org.za<http://mc/compose?to=oer-forum@lists.esn.org.za>
> *Subject:* [OER] Towards and OER university -- International open planning
> meeting 23 Feb and pre-meeting seminar.
> Hi Everyone,
> The OER unversity concept aims to aims to provide free learning for all
> students worldwide. We need your help in co-designing these futures.
> *Open international planning meeting for the OER university *
> The OER Foundation is hosting an open international planning meeting for the
> OER for assessment and credit for students
> projec<http://wikieducator.org/OACS>t
> scheduled for 23 February 2011 (New Zealand time).* *UNESCO is sponsoring a
> live web steam of this open strategic meeting on the internet to enable
> virtual participation by education leaders and interested persons around the
> world.
> You can register remote participation on this wiki
> page<http://wikieducator.org/OER_for_Assessment_and_Credit_for_Students/Meetings#Virtual_participants>.
> *
> Pre meeting seminar*
> BCcampus <http://wikieducator.org/BCcampus/Case_study>, an international
> leader in the implementation of OER in post-secondary education and founding
> member of the OER Foundation is hosting the pre-meeting SCOPE seminar for
> the OER university
> concept<http://scope.bccampus.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=8738>from 16
> February to 2 March 2011.
> The first week of this seminar, is intended to generate discussion and input
> on the context, problem, concept, partners, and objectives of an
> OERuniversity. The outputs of this seminar will provide inputs into
> the
> agenda<http://wikieducator.org/OER_for_Assessment_and_Credit_for_Students/Meeting_Agenda_-_23_Feb_2011>of
> the open planning meeting of 23 February 2011. The second week
> following
> the meeting will provide an opportunity for summary, follow-on discussions,
> and recommendations for the way forward.
> Paul Stacy will facilitate the OER university seminar and present the
> outputs of the first week during the inaugural planning meeting.
> 2011 will be a quantum shift year for the mainstream adoption of OER in
> formal education. Working together, we can make OER futures happen.
> Cheers
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Mackintosh <http://wikieducator.org/User:Mackiwg>, Ph.D.
> Director OER Foundation <http://www.oerfoundation.org/>
> Director, International Centre for Open Education,
> Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
> Founder and elected Community Council Member,
> Wikieducator<http://www.wikieducator.org%20/>
> Mobile +64 21 2436 380
> Skype: WGMNZ1
> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/Mackiwg> |
> identi.ca<http://identi.ca/waynemackintosh>
c/o DFID-Sierra Leone
5 Off Spur Road
Skype: yassinmshana1
Fax: (+232) 22235769
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